Exploring Almost Forgotten Gravesites in the Great State of Ohio

Dedicated to cemetery preservation in the great state of Ohio

"A cemetery may be considered as abandoned when all or practically all of the bodies have been Removed therefrom and no bodies have been buried therein for a great many years, and the cemetery has been so long neglected as entirely to lose its identity as such, and is no longer known, recognized and respected by the public as a cemetery. 1953 OAG 2978."

Monday, June 29, 2009

"Cemetery Data" & "Burials on the Web" ("BOW")

Dave Burrowes
Office: 937-604-0708
Cell: 800-648-7547 Office: dburrowes@cemeterydata.com
(***Please contact Mr. Burrowes directly with any questions you may have - thank you!)
"Burials on the Web Client List"

"These clients provide public burial searches with Burials on the Web."

David's Cemetery Association, Kettering, Ohio

Rest Haven Memorial Park, Cincinnati, Ohio"

Union Cemetery, Columbus, Ohio:


Greenwood, Hamilton, OH:


Maple Hill, Tipp City, OH:


Nile Township in Scioto County, Ohio

Friendship Cemetery, McKendree Cemetery, and Worley Run (AKA Worleys Run/Odle Creek Cem):

The Catholic Diocese Of Columbus - Holy Cross Cemetery, Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Resurrection Cemetery and St. Joseph Cemetery:


Background history and further information of services provided below by Mr. David Burowes.

Information also regarding "ARCHIVE" with a demo of the program and how it works for cemeteries who set up and use the "ARCHIVE" system:

"My wife Jan and I have been providing record management systems to cemeteries for 30 years.

Jan was the office manager at Wisconsin Memorial Park, a large Brookfield, WI cemetery doing around 2500 burials each year. Her boss and mentor William Downey, was an exceptional industry spokesman and advocate for pre-arrangement and memorialization.

In the fall of 1978, I thought my involvement with "Cemetery Software" was to be the typical trivial weekend "fix another computer problem for a friend" kind of thing I had built my reputation on.

Now 30 years, 5 grand children, 250+ clients and 5 or 6 hundred cemeteries later trying to make sure all those records are preserved and maintained for another hundred or thousand years we formed Cemetery Data Corp. to support, design and develop a migration path for our existing clients. Due to the limited resources available to our smaller clients, about 10 years ago we elected to build our next generation software using open source components.

I anticipated that changes in software licensing and the demands to convert to updated versions of commercial products could make it difficult (or impossible) for some clients to maintain access to their records.

I didn't anticipate that so many in the next generation would be indifferent to the importance we've grown to believe is attached to the history recorded in our cemetery records.

The programs used to build ARCHIVE and BOW are freely available to any interested party. They run on computers utilizing the Linux operating system which is also freely available. That Linux incorporates the standard internet protocols at it's core makes intranet and internet access a natural extension of software developed in this environment. Collecting all the pieces, mixing in 50 years of cemetery and computer experience, adding the genius of some young incredibly talented computer types with an understanding of how to assemble the pieces into what a cemeterian and an old computer type direct has resulted in what you see as ARCHIVE and BOW at this point.

Our sister company, Cemetery Mapping Services, INC. provides the CAD services necessary for the maps you see on some of the sites. Our plan hasn't really changed all that much except that reduced contributions to commercial software development companies allow us to provide services, maintain a reasonable profit margin, and not expect our customers to be faced with major upgrade costs every year or two.

ARCHIVE is the first step in offering a property management system for any cemetery who wants (needs) it.

BOW (Burials on the Web) is a by-product of using ARCHIVE.

It has all developed as part of our attempt to provide a migration path for our Burial Space Manager (BSM) clients.

We offer training, mapping, support, and web-site development in variety of ways.

The following links will give you a better idea of some of what we've done."


"If you visit Olson, Anna at the BLC (Bethany Lutheran Cemetery) site you can get a look at Jan's Grandma and Grandpa and their marker":


"The ARCHIVE demo is self explanatory":


"The Referencelinks contain a few links to existing customer web sites."



"The diomad link is the beginning of a parish cemetery project we're involved in."


"I'm currently very involved in preparation of a business plan to assist our Indianapolis partners in obtaining some funding to improve the CDC infrastruture and I continue to support our existing BSM customers with hardware, training, mapping, and accounting assistance but I'm always interested in new ideas. "

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Old burying Ground - Greenfield, Ohio

Click on title to read the March 26, 2009 "The Highland Sun" story entitled: "Old Cemetery Stone Wall Nears Completion" by contributor, Earlene Scott.
Earlene can be contacted at: 937-981-3638 for donations to this project to complete building the wall of tombstones at the Old Burying Ground in Greenfield, Ohio.
Link to the website for the Greenfield, Ohio Historical Society:
**Coming Up**:
October 12, 2009
Travellers Rest and Old Burial Grounds
Ghost Walk

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Greenfield Cemetery - Harry H. Limes

From a March 2, 1938 newspaper article - "Thumbnail Sketches" - Harry H. Limes Has Been in Local Jewelry Business for 22 Years; Interested in Gem History."

In the past 22 years it has been the business of Harry H. Limes to start some 15,000 watches and clocks ticking again, in addition to his other work as a Greenfield jeweler, and his participation in the social activities of the community.

He was born on August 25, 1889, the only child of Charles W. and Sarah Browder Limes on a farm four miles north of Greenfield. After attending school in Greenfield and Washington C. H., he became an apprentice jeweler in Columbus in 1910, and in 1914-1915 he took watchmaking at the Ezra F. Bowman Technical School in Lancaster, PA.

On July 12, 1911, he was married to Margaret Curtin of Washington C.H. They now have two children, Sarah and Charles, who are still at their home on S. Washington Street.

Mr. Limes opened his first jewelry shop in the Midway in May, 1915, and his first work was for John Shrock, father-in-law of B. R. Duckworth, and owner of the farm where he was born.

After conducting his shop for a time on Midway, he purchased a store room on E. Jefferson Street where he remained until February, 1937. He had to move out to make way for the new Greenfield Post Office, which is now nearing completion. He has been in his present location on N. Washington Street since that time.

Mr. Limes is a member of the First Presbyterian Church, a member of the Session Board of the church, past master of the Masonic Order, the Eastern Star, life member of the Archeological and Historical Society of Ohio, and a member of the Highland County McGuffey Club. As a Republican, he has always taken an interest in political life of the county and nation. He served one term on the village council.

Aside from his work, Mr. Limes is interested in Ohio's pre-historic mounds, and in the history of gems and gem cutting. At various times, he has given talks before local assemblies on the romantic stories of jewels, the discovery of precious metals and methods of mining them.

He has an interesting and valued collection pertaining to the life of Abraham Lincoln, including books, essays, souvenirs, photographs, and a life mask of Lincoln by Leonard Volk."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Christian Cemetery - Williamsport - Pickaway County, Ohio

The Christian Cemetery in Williamsport, Pickaway County, Ohio, is receiving continuing maintenance and care following its extensive restoration of cleaning and re-setting of stones that had been a major part of this cemetery's restoration.
Congratulations to all who volunteered and assisted in any way for the betterment of the Christian Cemetery.
A special thank you to Mr. Harvey Looney of Williamsport who continues with his active participation in the care of the Christian Cemetery.
Selected photos below of the Christian Cemetery:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Levi Ellis - Walnut Creek Cemetery - Perry Township - Fayette County, Ohio

Mariah (Doster) Ellis' stone in the middle and her husband, Levi Ellis' stone at right. Both stones are white marble in much need of cleaning.
Levi Ellis' stone at Walnut Creek Cemetery, Perry Township, Fayette County, Ohio. White marble stone in much need of cleaning.

Owens-Campbell Cemetery - Pickaway County, Ohio

From the Circleville Herald newspaper web site:

"Cemetery clean-up
Published: Saturday, June 20, 2009
Students at Ohio Christian University recently donated their time and muscle to help set stones in Owens-Campbell Cemetery during annual clean-up day. "
More information from the Pickaway County Park District website:

Monday, June 15, 2009

Spain Cemetery adjacent to Maple Grove Cemetery - North Lewisburg, Rush Township, Champaign County Ohio

Many thanks to Ralph Coleman, Jr. for providing the following information regarding the inactive, "Spain Cemetery" in Rush Township, Champaign County, Ohio:

"The Spain Cemetery is the older area of the grounds, established about the time the earliest pioneers settled in and around North Lewisburg. It is at the southern end of the cemetery complex, close to Gilbert Road and just north of Spain Creek. Burials began here as early as about 1803. Most of the engravings on the stones have faded away. The grounds are mowed as part of the Maple Grove Cemetery work. There are no known official records for this cemetery and the burials here. Over the years some folks have transcribed the inscriptions on the stones which existed; there are some records in the Champaign County Genealogical Society library. Unless some original records are found in someone's attic or shed, the burials here will be lost to posterity."

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ohio Genealogical Society's "The Ohio Genealogy News" & Cemetery Chronicles Column by Lolita (Thayer) Guthrie

One of my favorite columns in the Ohio Genealogical Society's periodical, "The Ohio Genealogy News" is the "Cemetery Chronicles" column which is published in each of the four issues during the year. "Cemetery Chronicles" is authored by Lolita (Thayer) Guthrie, the O.G.S. Cemetery Committee Chairperson.

*****More about Lolita (Thayer) Guthrie from the O.G.S. website.:
"Lolita Guthrie Honored at National Genealogy Conference
Mansfield, Ohio (1 September 2006)--Lolita Thayer Guthrie, of Bowling Green, Ohio, has received the Ruth C. Bishop Family History Living Volunteer Hall of Honor Award from the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) at its annual conference in Boston, August 30-September 2. She was nominated for the award by the Ohio Genealogical Society, headquartered in Mansfield, Ohio.

FGS is the national umbrella organization for genealogical societies throughout the United States of America. The Ohio Genealogical Society is a member society of FGS. The Ruth Bishop award is granted annually by FGS in recognition of outstanding volunteerism in genealogy and family history.

In nominating Lolita for this prestigious honor, the OGS said, "Lolita is one of the most active septuagenarians that we know. Her interest in genealogical research and cemetery preservation has occupied most of her adult life."
Lolita is a former trustee of OGS and long-time chairperson of its Cemetery Committee. Under her leadership, the Cemetery Committee completely overhauled the information in two previous OGS cemetery books and in 2003 published Ohio Cemeteries: 1803-2003 with information on over 14,600 cemeteries and burial sites throughout Ohio.

In April, 2006, OGS honored Lolita by naming her an OGS Fellow at its annual conference. The Fellow of The Ohio Genealogical Society Award is given to an individual who has provided valuable service to the Society and to the field of genealogy over and above the job to which they were elected or appointed through volunteer work, special projects, or their expertise or skill in accomplishing a goal for the Society.
She and her family have been major contributors to OGS's new building campaign.
Lolita has served as President of the Wood County Chapter of OGS and its Projects Coordinator. Working closely with the chapter newsletter editor, she proofreads every edition. Through her efforts, a Living History Project co-sponsored by the Chapter and the City of Bowling Green was presented last summer in Oak Grove Cemetery. She was also instrumental in setting up a Library Trust Fund at the Wood County Public Library, with the interest from the fund being used to purchase genealogical materials for the Library.
Over the years, she has "pushed" the Wood County OGS chapter to:
Read and publish every cemetery in Wood County.

Coordinate with the township trustees regarding cemeteries, as well as township records.
Publish over 30 books, with Lolita donating countless hours at home and on weekends to get those publications ready to send to the printer.
Start a high school volunteer program using high school students as volunteers for the Chapter.

Develop information on all the one-room schools in Wood County.
Develop information on church records in Wood County.
The Ohio Genealogical Society is the largest state genealogical society in the nation, with over 6,000 members in 94 chapters around the state and elsewhere in the U.S. It publishes the OGS Quarterly, OGS Genealogy News, Ohio Records & Pioneer Families, and Ohio Civil War Genealogy Journal.
For more information, contact OGS at (419) 756-7294 or

For anyone with a serious interest in learning about "Ohio cemeteries - all things " - I can highly recommend joining the Ohio Genealogial Society because four times a year, as a member, you will receive in your mail box the "Ohio Genealogy News" with "Cemetery Chronicles" featured in every issue.

The "Cemetery Chronicles" column in the Summer 2009 issue of the "Ohio Genealogy News" features news from the following Ohio counties:

Friday, June 12, 2009

Green Lawn Cemetery - Columbus, Ohio - Silent Auction Book Sale in July, 2009

Green Lawn Cemetery - from their website:

"You're also welcome to call the cemetery office at (614) 444-1123 (fax: 614-444-9815) or stop by the cemetery office at 1000 Greenlawn Avenue in Columbus. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, and 8:30 to 12:00 noon on Saturday. Green Lawn gates are open 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., November-April and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., May-October."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hopewell Cemetery Franklin County, Ohio - "Findagrave.com" - Update

My thanks to Natalie Herdman, who has contributed 9,240 memorials to date on the website of "Findagrave.com," for posting additional burial information, including tombstone photographs, for the Hopewell Cemetery in Madison Township located in Franklin County, Ohio. The Hopewell Cemetery site on "Findagrave.com" now boasts 181 interments.
Some of the surnames for Hopewell Cemetery are: Bishop, Bunn, Burton, Cameron, Childs, Cole, Dildine, Egbert, English, Evans, Flowers, Gard, Giberson, Greer, Groom, Hall, Hankins, Havely, Hawkins, Hewitt, Hulva, Iberson, Lanning, Leavengood, Leigh, Lincoln, Love, McClish, McGarity (older version - MacGarity), Moore, Oakley, Pontius, Rainer, Ramsey, Rarey, Rose, Sawyer, Simmons, VanGundy, White, Wright, and Young
Thank you Natalie for your hard work and contributions!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Spotlighting John and Sarah Ann (Cory) Limes - buried at Good Hope Cemetery in Fayette County, Ohio

John Limes was the second oldest son of Harmon and Mary (McKee) Limes. His parents were born and married in Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia. John was born in Fayette County, Ohio on May 3, 1816, per family Bible records.

On March 29, 1838, John was married to Sarah Ann Cory in Fayette County by Reverend John King.

Pvt. John Limes was mustered-in to the 63rd OVI, Co. "E" on September 8, 1861. He was honorably discharged on September 25, 1862 on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability. His discharge papers show his occupation as being a farmer.

Family Bible records and other accounts show the following children for John and Sarah Limes:

Rebecca: Born: February of 1839
Married: July 3, 1858 to Enoch McCord
in Pike County, Ohio

Harmon James: Born: July 3, 1841 - Fayette County, Ohio
Married: February 11, 1862 to

Nancy Margaret Shade
in Pike County, Ohio
Died: October 2, 1932 - Ottawa, Kansas

William Henry: Born: July 23, 1845
Died: July 27, 1922

Mary Nancy Elizabeth: Born: March of 1850

Nathan H.: Born: 1855
Died: 1859

John Leighton: Born: October 20, 1860 in Bainbridge
Ross County, Ohio
Died: August 10, 1948 in Alhambra
Los Angeles County, California

John Limes died on July 1, 1887 in Good Hope, Fayette County, Ohio. He is buried next to his wife, Sarah Ann, in the Good Hope Cemetery.

Sarah Ann (Cory) Limes passed away on June 11, 1901 per her husband's military pension records.

On page 58 of the Harry Harmon Cory book, The Cory Family, it lists Sarah Ann Cory as being born on July 12, 1821. Her parents were James and Rebecca (Sperry) Cory. Her father was a Corporal in the War of 1812, mustered-in at Ross County, Ohio.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Berea Cemetery Documentation Project

"We reveal the history of the community through the stories of its dead"
The title is a link to the Berea Cemetery Documentation project. It contains additional information concerning the Adams Street Cemetery Workshop coming up on July 18 and July 19 from 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. in Berea, Ohio
From: Jeremy Feador

"...more about the Adams Street Cemetery, here is our website: mcs.bw.edu/~bereahis
We've been doing work on it for almost three years now. It has really come full circle, from a forgotten cemetery to a city landmark.

"This database is the result of collaboration between the History Department of Baldwin-Wallace College, the Berea Historical Society, and the City of Berea. Since 2006, B-W students have been doing research on burials at local cemeteries, discovering unmarked burials, biographies, genealogies, and the ways the lives of the dead intersected with events in local, state, and national history. We started with inscriptions on tombstones and a list of names, and this database represents what we have discovered so far.
B-W's mission calls on faculty members to involve our students in projects that encourage them to become "contributing, compassionate citizens." The Berea Cemetery Documentation project allows students to do professional historical research for the service of the community.Funding for the project is provided by Baldwin-Wallace College, the Ohio Humanities Council, American Legion Post 91, the Berea Rotary Club, the Berea Community Development Corporation, Mayor Cyril Kleem, and private donors to the Adams
Street Cemetery Project. Thank you for your support!"
How to use this database
"Enter a search term in one of the fields and click on submit. A list of matching results will pop up. Click on the ID number of the person whose record you want to view. To print the record, click on the print icon at the top right corner of the record, and the page will realign to fit your printer. If you have additional information you would like us to add to the database, please contact the project supervisor, Dr. Indira Gesink.
If you experience technical difficulties, please contact our webmaster and application engineer, Greg Airel.
If you are interested in cemetery studies, please contact our liaison with the Association for Gravestone Studies, Jeremy Feador.Enter a search term in one of the fields below and click on submit. A list of matching results will pop up. Click on the ID number of the person whose record you want to view. To print the record, click on the print icon at the top right corner of the record, and the page will realign to fit your printer. If you have additional information you would like us to add to the database, please contact the project supervisor, Dr. Indira Gesink. If you experience technical difficulties, please contact our webmaster and application engineer, Greg Airel.
If you are interested in cemetery studies, please contact our liaison with the Association for Gravestone Studies, Jeremy Feador."
Contact Info:
Indira Gesink, Ph. D.Project SupervisorAssociate Professor of HistoryChair, Department of HistoryBaldwin-Wallace Collegeemail: igesink@bw.edu

Jeremy FeadorLead Project ResearcherMember, Association for Gravestone StudiesOhio Humanities Council Grant Intern, 2007email: feador.2@wright.edu
Greg AirelWebmaster/Application Engineeremail: gairel@bw.edu

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ohio Gravestones Photos

Click on title to access the website of "Ohio Gravestones.org" which now boasts over 94,000 photographs of Ohio gravestones.
A wonderful site to visit often!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Adams Street Cemetery - Berea OH - The Baldwin-Wallace College History Department Presents A Gravestone Preservation Workshop - Led by Jonathan Appell

The Baldwin-Wallace College History Department presents A Gravestone Preservation Workshop - Led by Jonathan Appell - Saturday, July 18, and Sunday, July 19 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Adams Street Cemetery Across from 99 Adams St., Berea, OH 44017 - (Click on title for further information)
Jonathan Appell is a professional gravestone conservator and monumental mason. He owns a gravestone & monument preservation company, New England Cemetery Service. http://www.gravestonepreservation.info/ Participants in this workshop will learn:• About the types of monuments and typical problems one encounters when doing gravestone preservation work. • About the best materials to use for gravestone conservation• How to clean marble, sandstone, and cement tombstones• How to repair broken marble and sandstone tombstones• How to re-level grave markers.• About acid rain damage and what might be done to prevent it• Hands-on experience with cleaning and repairs. Advance registration and a materials fee is required ($60 per person).
To register, or for more information, contact Dr. Indira Gesink, chair of the Baldwin-Wallace History Department, at 440-826-2280 or igesink@bw.edu.
Participants may earn college credit from the Baldwin-Wallace College History Department by registering for an internship in Gravestone Conservation. Interns will attend the workshop and then use the techniques learned to clean and restore the grave markers in the Adams Street Cemetery. Internships are limited and competitive.
Link to Adams Street Cemetery on "Findagrave.com":

Monday, June 1, 2009

"ObitsOhio.com" - A wonderful site to check for more current obituaries of Ohioans

From the website of "ObitsOhio.com" quoted from the "about" section:

ObitsOhio.com was founded in 2009 as a clearinghouse for news about current and former Ohioans who have died. We expect ObitsOhio.com to become the online site for finding out about Ohio deaths and the lives that preceded those deaths.
We don’t believe in waiting until tomorrow when we can report that someone died today or last night, unless the family prefers to wait until after the funeral to make the announcement. We aim to update our list of deaths and memorial events throughout the day - every day - as the information is provided to us.
We hope to offer a brief description to easily identify the deceased for our readers. Identifying information usually will include the person’s name, age, the area of Ohio in which they lived and/or worked, plus occupation and/or claim to fame.
Yet the person need not be famous to be listed on ObitsOhio.com. We want to note the passing of every resident or former resident of Ohio as soon as possible following the death. We also want to post funeral information as a courtesy to the family and as a service to our readers.
Longer obituaries, which appear on the ObitsOhio.com mainpage and/or on each person’s personal ObitsOhio.com webpage, may be posted later. We believe families should have the luxury of taking their time to prepare these once-in-a-lifetime stories.
Full or partial obituaries, submitted and prepared by the family or funeral home and edited by ObitsOhio.com, will appear on personal webpages. Links to funeral home websites, memorial/tribute sites, newspaper obituaries, videos and more also may show up on those webpages. Many obits also will be featured on ObitsOhio.com mainpage.
The extent to and manner in which each obit is handled will be determined in accordance with ObitsOhio.com’s agreement with each funeral home.
ObitsOhio.com founder, Alana Baranick, wrote obits for the Cleveland Plain Dealer from May 1992 until December 2008. The Chronicle-Telegram in Elyria, Ohio, provided her first obit-writing experience, beginning in 1985. She has used her more than 20 years as an obit writer, the countless questions and suggestions she has received from readers and bereaved relatives during that time, and things she has learned through her own efforts to find obituary and biographical information online in creating ObitsOhio.com.
Alana, winner of the 2005 ASNE (American Society of Newspaper Editors) Award for Distinguished Writing in the Obituary category, is the chief author of “Life on the Death Beat: A Handbook for Obituary Writers” (Marion Street Press, 2005) and director of the Society of Professional Obituary Writers. She is the instructor for Poynter Institute’s NewsU online course on obituary writing and the “Death Beat” columnist for the National Newspaper Association’s Publisher’s Auxiliary.
Her column, “The Dash Between,” will be a regular feature of ObitsOhio.com.
Contact us at info@obitsohio.com.