Thanking Krista Horrocks, Project Reviews Manager with the State Historic Preservation Office of the Ohio History Connection, for alerting me to these Holmes County W.P.A. Cemetery Plat Maps being available online through the Holmes County, G.I.S. Department in the PDF format.
These maps are now also available in photo / .jpg format on Flickr. See the link to them on the right sidebar of the blog.
These W.P.A. Cemetery Plat Maps follow the familiar format seen in most other such maps in Ohio counties.: There is a Cemetery Index Page, and the maps have page numbers in the lower right-hand corner.
Because there is also a cemetery locator map for Homes County, the corresponding cemetery number is shown on the map penciled in above the cemetery name in the Legend Box.
Below is an example of the cemetery symbol on the map appearing as a cross inside of a rectangle. In this instance it is shown in the color red.:
It should be noted that the township for Salem Cemetery in Holmes County is shown as "Clark Township" on the Holmes County map. Although it is true that the northern half of the Salem Cemetery is located in Holmes County, the correct township for the cemetery there is Killbuck Township.
Looking at Coshocton County, which is where the southern half of the Salem Cemetery is situated, that Legend box shows that the cemetery is located in Clark Township.
So, it is good to keep in mind that both Holmes County and Coshocton County positioned on a portion of its southern border, have townships named "Clark".
Below are the Holmes County and Coshocton County W.P.A. Cemetery Plat maps for the Salem Cemetery.:
Holmes County is home to large Amish and Mennonite populations, and thus this fact is reflected by some of the names of its cemeteries which are family cemeteries. Prevalent surnames include.:
Hershberger, Miller, Raber, Troyer, Weaver, and Yoder.
Find A Grave's listing of cemeteries in Holmes County, Ohio that have Mennonite identifications.
DAVID WEISS Holmes County Historical Society:
Arnold Arnold - with a penciled in correction of "Albert" for a given name, who is shown with a number"1" in a circle by his name meaning he would have been an American Revolutionary War veteran.
"Blog of the Special
Collections Division of the Ohio Library Council"
I enjoyed working with these maps and learning more about the people and history that are truly unique to Holmes County, Ohio!