Exploring Almost Forgotten Gravesites in the Great State of Ohio

Dedicated to cemetery preservation in the great state of Ohio

"A cemetery may be considered as abandoned when all or practically all of the bodies have been Removed therefrom and no bodies have been buried therein for a great many years, and the cemetery has been so long neglected as entirely to lose its identity as such, and is no longer known, recognized and respected by the public as a cemetery. 1953 OAG 2978."

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Atlas Preservation has announced that it will be continuing with its 48 State hands-on cemetery workshop tour in 2025 - "Saving America's Graveyards"

Happy New Year everyone! 

2025 has barely begun and we are getting some good news to start it despite the Winter being in full swing across most of the country.  

Jonathan Appell's Atlas Preservation will once again be holding its "48state tour" offering his state-by-state hands-on cemetery preservation training that he has been conducting for several years. 
Contact Atlas Preservation for further information.