Exploring Almost Forgotten Gravesites in the Great State of Ohio

Dedicated to cemetery preservation in the great state of Ohio

"A cemetery may be considered as abandoned when all or practically all of the bodies have been Removed therefrom and no bodies have been buried therein for a great many years, and the cemetery has been so long neglected as entirely to lose its identity as such, and is no longer known, recognized and respected by the public as a cemetery. 1953 OAG 2978."

Friday, November 24, 2023

Spotlighting the Warren County Genealogical Society - a Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society (O.G.S.) - and their well-attended 2023 Cemetery Restoration Workshop - photographs and a link to the handbook produced from the workshop.

The Warren County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society was quite busy with their cemetery restoration workshop that was held in September, 2023. 

Stunning photographs and highlights of the cemetery restoration workshop are also offered on the website of the Warren County Chapter of O.G.S. 


The chapter also produced an outstanding 255 page workshop handbook  of the 2023 cemetery restoration work that is for sale!


"Crosson Cemetery, Harlan Township."

"This book was created to help researchers interested in cemetery preservation and those responsible for cemetery maintenance.  Topics include basic restoration techniques, cemetery maintenance, mapping a cemetery, finding unmarked graves, mortar mixes, tombstone cleaning, tablet straightening, repairing breaks, resetting stones and obelisks, and Ohio Cemetery laws.

**Completely updated again for 2023.  Includes handouts from Ta Mara Conde, Conservator from Historic Gravestone Services, and information about Crosson Cemetery - 255 Pages."


For further reference.:

The Crosson Cemetery on Find a Grave