Exploring Almost Forgotten Gravesites in the Great State of Ohio

Dedicated to cemetery preservation in the great state of Ohio

"A cemetery may be considered as abandoned when all or practically all of the bodies have been Removed therefrom and no bodies have been buried therein for a great many years, and the cemetery has been so long neglected as entirely to lose its identity as such, and is no longer known, recognized and respected by the public as a cemetery. 1953 OAG 2978."

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! Sharing Some "Thankful" Tombstone History

Sharing from the Facebook Page:  "Spirits Alive at the Eastern Cemetery" in Portland, Maine. 

"Established in 1668, this ancient landscape holds the stories of over 7,000 citizens buried there. "
"Happy thanksgiving from Thankful Cobb's headstone. It's in pieces, but enjoy this drawing by CPM. Notice the little 50 next to her death year of 1749. That's the old style (1749) and the new style (1750) year. The American colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752, shifting the start of the year from March 1st to January 1st and they called it "new style."


This early drawing depicting an actual gravestone is reminiscent of those we often see for America's pilgrims. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Restoring the Gravestones of Alcinda M. Hains and her brother Ebenezer Hains buried at the Old Burying Ground in Greenfield, Highland County, Ohio

Thanking Scott Andersen for sharing his most recent photographs of the restored gravestones of two young children buried at the Old Burying Ground in Greenfield, Highland County, Ohio.  

The children were siblings; Ebenezer and Alcinda M. Hains, son and daughter of Joseph and Martha Hains who do not appear to be buried at the Old Burying Ground.

From Scott:

"Here is a stone I put back together at the Old Burying Ground.  Alcinda 1846-1849 and Ebeneezer Hains 1844-1845, brother and sister.  First the base of the monument was leveled.  The tablets were broken off in the base, and the broken pieces had to be gently worked loose.  Once I did that I epoxied them back together, and placed them back in the base using the "slot mix" recommended by Walt and Mark.  They were cleaned with the ammonia and water solution, and then the crack in the stones was filled with "void mix".  D/2 was then applied.  They are starting to lighten up, and it will be interesting to see how they look in the spring."

 Before Restoration Photograph Below:
 After Restoration Photograph Below:

It is heartwarming to see these two freshly cleaned little markers standing up straight and tall in their sturdy base once again -- looking as they may have appeared not long after the deaths of these youngsters in the late 1840s when their loved ones visted their gravesites.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Angie King
Mercer County Recorder
Telephone: (419) 586-4232 x.241
Fax Number: (419) 586-3541
101 North Main Street, Room 203
Celina, Ohio 45822

$2.00 fee per page for a copy of an Ohio WPA Cemetery Plat Map at a county recorder's office, per the Ohio Revised Code:

ORC 317.352  B (I)

I) For photocopying a document, other than at the time of recording and indexing as provided for in division (A)(1) or (2) of this section, a base fee of one dollar and a housing trust fund fee of one dollar per page, size eight and one-half inches by fourteen inches, or fraction thereof;


            None found.



            July 12, 2013

            Ronald J. Meyer II, P.E., P.S.
            Planning Engineer
            Allen County Engineer’s Office
            1501 North Sugar Street
            Lima , Ohio  45801
            Office:  419-228-3196
            Fax:  419-227-2920

“Allen County WPA Cemetery Maps are located at the Allen County Engineer's Office and are scanned as .tiff images on a CD.  As time permits, they are being posted on this site as converted .jpg images.  Ron Meyer, the Planning Engineer, has been so kind to email the map page images.”



            September 18, 2013

            Michal E. Crow
            142 W 2nd Street
            Ashland, OH 44805
            Phone: 419-282-4238
            Fax: None

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00
            (Due to staffing issues this office may be closed from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm for lunch)

            “We do have this book in my office. 
            Anyone can come in, view and make copies. Copies are .10 cents per sheet of paper.

            If we make the copies it is $2.00 a page.  We are short staffed & will help as much as we can.  Our hours are Monday thru Friday, 8am to 4pm.”



            August 22, 2013
            Barbara Schaab
            Astabula County Recorder’s Office
            25 West Jefferson Street, 2nd Floor
            Ashtabula County, OH  44047

            On August 22, 2013, called the Ashtabula County Recorder’s Office and spoke with Vicki.  She confirmed that their office holds the WPA Cemetery Plat Maps for Ashtabula County.  Hours for researching:  8:00a.m. to 4:15p.m.  They are located in the Ashtabula County Courthouse and you will need to go through security first. 



            September 17, 2013

            John D Cunningham, library volunteer
            Levering Library
            Athens County Historical Society & Museum
            65 N. Court St.
            Athens, OH 45701

            “We have similar maps. They are in fragile condition, but readable. They are not yet catalogued.  It is possible to see them and take a photograph.
            Once we have the funds, we will encapsulate them according to archival standards.
            For now they are lying flat in a map drawer.We have no means to copy them at the moment.

            The museum is open 12 to 4 on Tues thru Saturday, but there will be no one present for a viewing on Saturday.
            of the building for patrons.”

John Cunningham



            September 17, 2013

            Chris Lambert
            Auglaize County Recorder
209 S. Blackhoof St. Suite 103
Wapakoneta, Oh 45895
Hours: 8:00 A.M. Thru 4:30 P.M. (M-F)
Phone: 419-739-6735
Fax: 419-739-6736

“There is actually a book in my office about 3’ by 3’ that has the WPA maps in it.  I do not have any way of making copies of this but it is in my office.  And I contacted my Veteran’s Office to see if they had anything like this that they could make copies of but they do not.

My office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.  And the address is:209 S Blackhoof St. Ste. 103 Wapakoneta OH  45895.  We are in the County's Administration Building and we are the main floor.”




            October 2, 2013

            Mary Catherine Nixon
            101 W Main Street
            St Clairsville, OH 43950
            Phone: 740-699-2140

            Email: recorder@belmontcountyohio.org

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30

            Belmont County Recorder has WPA Plat Maps, however, unsure if copies other than digital photographs can be made at their office. 



            September 16, 2013

            Amy Jo DeClaire
            Administration Bldg
            800 Mt Orab Pike Ste 151
            Georgetown, OH 45121
            Phone: 937-378-6478
            Fax: 937-378-2848
            Email: browncountyrecorder@hotmail.com

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00

            “Yes we do have a book of these types of maps.
The book is very large and copying would be difficult but not impossible.  Our copy fee is 10 cents per page.  And we are open 8-4 Monday-Friday.”

Amy Jo DeClaire


Butler County Veteran Grave Registration Search --  Some entry dates from 1864 and continues to present.:

July 9, 2013

Denise Goll
            Chief Deputy
            Butler County Recorder's Office
            Phone #:  (513) 887-3195

"We do not have anything like that.  I also checked with the county engineer and they do not have anything either.

We do have our online Veteran Grave Registration Search if you have any specific names.

I can also break this database down by cemetery."  



            None found.



            July 3, 2013

            Robin Edwards
            1512 S US HWY 68 Ste B-200
            Urbana, OH 43078
            Phone: 937-484-1630
            Fax: 937-484-1628

            Email: redwards@co.champaign.oh.us

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00

            "We do have reduced copies of the cemetery plats in the recorders office."

Thank you,
Robin K. Edwards


"Champaign County Ohio cemetery plates, Veterans' Graves Registration, Works Projects Administration"

Link Below:



            October 15, 2013

            Nancy Pence
            31 N Limestone Street
            Springfield, OH 45502

            Mailing Address:
            PO Box 1406
            Springfield, Ohio 45501

            Phone: 937-521-1709
            Recorder's Office: 937-521-1705
            Fax: 937-328-4620

            Email: recorder@clarkcountyohio.gov

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:30

            Spoke with deputy recorder, Judy Webb, who said their office has two large bound volumes of the WPA Cemetery Plat Maps for Clark County.  They charge $2.00 per page. 

            If you make a partial page copy yourself, she said the cost is .10 cents per page.  There is a nearby parking garage with $5.00 per day parking available.


            October 23, 2013

            Clark County Historical Society
            117 South Fountain Avenue
            Springfield, OH  45502

            Phone #:  937-324-0657

            Email address: nataliemfritz@aol.com

            Library and Archives Hours:  Wedneday – Friday 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.; Saturday 10:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.

            “The only WPA Cemetery map we appear to have in the archives is a Columbia Street Cemetery map.”


Natalie Fritz
Curatorial Assistant
Clark County Historical Society



July 3, 2013

Deborah J. Clepper
101 E Main Street
Batavia, OH 45103
Phone: 513-732-7236
Fax: 513-732-7891

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

            "We have some cemetery plat maps here that show where some of the veterans are buried. They are American Revolution, War of 1812 and a couple more older wars.  If that is what you are looking for let me know and I can look for stuff on them or possible e-mail you certain cemeteries, if you would like."


Marsha Collier
Clermont County Recorder's Office



            July 9, 2013

            Clinton County Engineer
            1326 Fife Avenue
            Wilmington, OH  45177
            937-302-0993 cell
            937-382-5318 fax

WPA Cemetery Plat maps are online:

Link below to Clinton County Cemetery  Maps:


For other questions you may call my map office at 937-382-4335

Jeffrey B. Linkous  P.E.,P.S.



            September 23, 2013

            Columbiana County Engineer
            235 South Market St.
            Lisbon, OH  44432
            Phone #:  330-424-1740
            Jackie Shreeve

            “We do have maps of all the Cemetery Maps like the ones you just showed.  Also we have the books as well.  Copies are $3.00 each.

            Hours are:  Monday through Friday 8:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.”


plparks@cceng.org if you have any questions



            None found.



July 11, 2013

Karen J. Scott
112 E Mansfield Street Suite 206
Bucyrus, OH 44820-0788
Phone: 419-562-6961
Fax: 419-562-6061

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30

"We do have these maps, but we can't copy them. The Engineer/Tax Map Office would have to copy them on their copier. If you are coming to see them, we are open 8:30 to 4:30 Monday thru Friday   If you want copies you will have to let us know."

Karen J. Scott



July 8, 2013

Judy Cetina
            County Archivist
            Public Works-Cuyahoga County Archives
            2905 Franklin Blvd., N.W.
            Cleveland, OH 44113
            Phone: (216) 443-7250
Fax:    (216) 443-3636

"Yes, the Archives does have in its holdings both microfilm and hard copies of the Cemetery Plat Map for Cuyahoga County. As the original record is somewhat fragile the staff will ask you to use the copy on microfilm.

The Archives has one volume for Cuyahoga County; and it includes a large index map that identifies all of the cemetery locations in the County, and that map is followed by individual pages for the various cemeteries.  The cemetery maps only document the names and burial sites for veterans of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Spanish American, WWI, etc.

The County Archives is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.  No appointment is necessary.

Please let me know if you have any questions or will require other information."


Judith G. Cetina, Ph.D., CA



            October 2, 2013

            Garst Museum
            205 North Broadway
            Greenville, OH 45331
            Phone #: 937-548-5250
            Fax# : 937-548-7645


            “We have a set of the WPA maps of the cemeteries.  These maps just have the markings/numbers of the grave where the veteran is buried, and no names on the maps.  I did see a small cemetery where names were on the page.

            We also have notebooks with all the burials of the Civil War veterans listed with the grave # and cemetery information.  I am now also getting the 1812, Mexican and Spanish Am. veterans copied and typed up.  (from the grave registration cards at the Recorders office)  I hope to get those typed up in a couple of weeks but can check my notes for any of those burials.

            The WPA maps are rather large and may be difficult to copy.  Some of the smaller cemeteries would be easy to copy.  I think we got our maps from the Engineers office.”

Phyllis Crick, librarian
Darke County Research Center at Garst Museum



July 22, 2013

Cecilia Parsons
500 Second Street, Suite 201
Defiance, OH 43512
Phone: 419-782-4741
Fax: 419-782-3421

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30

            "Yes our Cemetery Plat Book was created WPA.  It has all the veterans graves that were there at the time that was completed.

            That book is not online it is in our office.  It does include the Civil War.

            We have a public research room.  We are open from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday."

Cecilia A. Parsons



            October 11, 2013

            Jack Jennings, P.S.
            Map Department (DCMD)
            Delaware County Engineer
            740-833-2450 (Delaware)
            740-548-7313 (Columbus)
            (See address information below)

            Email:  JJennings@co.delaware.oh.us


            “Our cemetery record sheets are bound in a large book. We do have a few miscellaneous prints stuck in with them. Back in the late 1960's and upto maybe ten (10)years ago, they were available for copying.  A little over six (6) ago, the county engineer asked me to serve as the map department supervisor and, at that time, I started scanning the pages.  I can now print a copy from the digital file I created (which we are required to charge a nominal fee for) or I can, in my opinion, now justify providing a PDF or TIF formatted file(s) at no charge ... because (again, in my opinion) there are no copier or supplies expense involved in providing the "digital copy" to the general public.  And, oftentimes, folks just want them to view or for reference only, anyway.  And, of course, as I'm sure you know, since those formats are so standard now, especially PDF, folks can always print them at home, if they want.

            Our office is located in the Rutherford B. Hayes Administration Building, on the 1st floor, at 140 North Sandusky Street and our hours are 8am to 5pm, Monday thru Friday, except holidays (we are open Columbus Day, also).  I always suggest that visitors who are not familiar with our area actually use an address of "140 North Union Street" in their navigation units, which directs them much better to the actual available parking and entrance to the building.”



Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Amanda Buser
            Erie County Engineer’s Office
            2700 Columbus Ave
            Sandusky,Ohio 44870
            Phone #: 419.627.7710

“We do have some cemetery maps.”

Amanda S. Buser,P.S.


July 23, 2013

            Curtis L Truax
            GIS Technician
            Fairfield County Auditor
            210 E Main Street
            Lancaster, OH 43130
            Phone #: 740-652-7063
            Fax #: 740-681-5596

“I believe we have exactly what you are looking for.  Our business hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.”




"Cemetery Plat Book 1924 Fayette County, Ohio"

by Peggy Gilmore. Fayette County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society 2004

Link Below:




July 5, 2013

Terry J. Brown
373 S High Street
18th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614-525-3930
Fax: 614-525-4071

            "We do have the Cemetery plats in our office, but they are not available online. If you would like to inquire about a specific cemetery, I can look at it if you have the name of the cemetery.  We have them in microfiche format & on the computer.
            If you have further questions, call me at 614-525-3953."

            Eric T Johnson  Deputy Recorder



Ohio Historical Society:

August 16, 2013

Collection. Franklin County veterans grave registration cemetery plats. circa 1800-1940. [State Archives Series 7515]

Creator: United States. Works Progress Administration of Ohio. ; Franklin County (Ohio). Recorder.

Extent (quantity/size): 62 microfiche.

Media: Microfiche

Location/Public Access Data: FCH 128

Scope and Content

These plat drawings show the location of soldiers' graves in various cemeteries in Franklin County. The drawings were done as part of the Works Progress Administration of Ohio Official Project #465-42-3-467 and #665-42-3-232, which were co-sponsored by Adjutant General Gilson D. Light and the American Legion Department of Ohio. Veterans served from the American Revolution through World War I.

Includes Agudath Achim Cemetery, Alton Cemetery, Arlington Park Cemetery, Amaranth Abbey Cemetery, Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery, Central Cemetery, Concord Cemetery, Eastlawn Cemetery, Evergreen Burial Park, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Galloway Cemetery, Glen Rest Cemetery, Grove City Cemetery, I.O.O.F. Dublin Cemetery, Jefferson Township Cemetery, Maplewood Cemetery, Memorial Burial Park, Mifflin Cemetery, Mr. Calvary Cemetery, Oak Grove Cemetery, Obetz Cemetery, Otterbein Cemetery, Pioneer Cemetery, Riverside Cemetery, Silent Home Cemetery, St. Josephy Cemetery, Union Cemetery, Union Grove Cemetery, Walnut Grove Cemetery, Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Franklin Hills Memory Garden "Garden of the Christus," and Glen Rest Memory Estate as well as various smaller cemeteries.


Research Services Department
Ohio Historical Society
800 E. 17th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43211-2474



July 25, 2013

            Sandra K. Barber
            152 S Fulton St Ste #175
            Wauseon, OH 43567
            Phone #: 419-337-9232
            Fax #: 419-337-9282

            Email: sbarber@fultoncountyoh.com

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30

“We have the WPA Cemetery Plats but not scanned.  Yes, you would be able to search them in my office. The hours are 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.”

Sandra K Barber



            None found.


July 26, 2013
Geauga County Archives and Records:

            Clair Wilson
            Geauga County Archives and Records
            470 Center St., Building 8D
            Chardon, Ohio 44024 | Phone: 440-279-1770 | Fax: 440-285-8207


"We don’t have any WPA maps; however we do have a book that was published that contains every burial in Geauga County up to 1983.  It includes maps of the cemeteries and the plots. We also have the notes that the author used.  This may help you."

            September 24, 2013

            Greene County Archives
            535 Ledbetter Road
            Xenia, OH  45385

            Phone #:  937-562-6487

            Hours:  9:00a.m. to 4:30p.m. – Monday through Friday

            Spoke to Joan at the Greene County Archives.  She said that they have the WPA Cemetery Plat maps bound in a large book.  They are not able to make copies for you.  A researcher would have to take photograph of the page(s) themselves. 

War Veterans’ Graves, Record of;1 volume, 1824 – 1986

WPA Veterans’ Graves Registration (Plot Maps);1 volume (oversize) , dated 1939



            Colleen Wheatley627 Wheeling Ave Ste 305
            Cambridge, OH 43725
            Phone: 740-432-9275
            Fax: 740-439-6258
            Email: cwheatley@guernseycounty.org

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00
            Guernsey County Recorder – maps are online:


            Wayne Coates
            138 E Court Street
            Suite 209
            Cincinnati, OH 45202
            Phone #: 513-946-4561
            Fax #: 513-946-4568

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00

            Hamilton County Recorder – their WPA Cemetery Plat Maps are online:



            October 29, 2013


            Hancock County Engineers Office
            1900 Lima Avenue
            P.O. Box 828
            Findlay, Ohio 45839-0828
            Phone #:  419.422.7433
            Fax #:  419.424.5057
            Email: engineer@co.hancock.oh.us

            Kevin C. Coppler wrote on October 29, 2013 that the Hancock County Engineer’s Office does have Hancock County Cemetery Plat Maps.  They are not WPA Cemetery Plat maps, however, they appear to be more recently drawn maps and show the plot owner names in boxes that denote with the lot number for the locations of burials. 

            These maps do not have veteran listings, however, but the maps are well drawn and may be of help to researchers.  Contact the Hancock Engineer’s office directly for more information.  They have scanned their maps in large .pdf formats.

            Hancock County Engineers
            CADD Manager



            November 21, 2013

            Hardin County Tax Map Office
            One Courthouse Square – Suite 150
            Kenton, OH  43326
            Phone #: 419-674-2225
            Hours:  8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.

            From a phone call to the Tax Map Department on November 21, 2013:  The Tax Map Department has the actual WPA Cemetery Plat Maps in their office in large bound volumes.  They quoted a price of $3.00 per page for copying.  No email address found for them.


Also, for more information about Hardin County cemeteries, contact the Hardin County Engineer’s Office to obtain current phone numbers for Hardin County Township Trustees.  (I am not sure if township trustees hold actual WPA Cemetery Plat Maps as well, but they may have information for you regarding more recent burials, in particular.):

            Hardin County Engineer
            Mr. Michael L. Smith, P.E., P.S.
            13177 CR 130
            Kenton, Ohio 43326-9401

            Phone #: 419-674-2222

            “Those maps are with each Township so if you know the township the cemetery is located in you can contact the township trustee and look at them that way.

            If you know the Township, you can call our office at 419-674-2222 and we can further assist you with numbers for the trustees in the township you are looking for.”

            Hardin County Engineer can also be found on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/HardinCountyEngineer



            November 21, 2013

            Tray L. Boyer
            100 W Market Street
            Cadiz, OH 43907
            Phone: 740-942-8869 or 740-942-8523
            Fax: 740-942-4693

            Email: hcrec@frontier.com
            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30

            The Harrison County Recorder’s Office is currently undergoing renovations, however, it retains normal hours of operations.  The WPA Cemetery plat maps are in several large bound volumes.  A researcher can come in and obtain a copy for $2.00 a page or take a digital picture (without flash I was told). 



            August 1, 2013

            Sara Myles
            660 N Perry Street Room 202
            Napoleon, OH 43545

            Phone: 419-592-1766
            Recorder: 419-592-8001
            Fax: 419-592-1652

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30

            Email: recorder@henrycountyohio.com

            “We have a large book of plats from most of the cemeteries in the county.  These are not up-to-date, but do show the original drawing of each.  They do no show who is buried in which plot – that information would be obtained from whomever is in charge of each cemetery in the city, villages or townships.

            We do have information on where most veterans are buried on data cards that can be looked at in this office.

            None of the above information is available online – it would require someone to come into this office to view the maps and burial cards.

Sara Myles


            None found.


            September 11, 2013

            Sandra K. Hunt
            1 E Main Street
            Logan, OH 43138
            Mailing Address:
            PO Box 949
            Logan, Ohio 43138

            Phone #: 740-385-2031 or 740-385-0147
            Fax #: 740-385-0377

            Email: shunt@co.hocking.oh.us

“We do.  It is a very large book and the information is very similar to your attachments.   Yes, public can view all of our books.  Copies can be made for a fee.  Our office is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 4.”
Sandy Hunt


            October 18, 2013

            Anita Hall
            75 E Clinton St Ste 101
            Millersburg, OH 44654

            Phone: 330-674-5916 or 330-674-9519
            Fax: 330-674-0782
            Email: ahall@co.holmes.oh.us

            Recording of Documents: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00
            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:30

            “We do have a book that contains maps similar to those of Auglaize and Barton, although the book does not contain a WPA map title page. We also have an index to war veterans graves. I've attached two spreadsheets that I compiled from another card index in our office.

            If you wish to view the book of maps or the index you may do so in our office during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.”

Anita Hall



July 18, 2013

            Jan M. Tkach
            12 East Main Street
            Norwalk, OH 44857
            Phone #: 419-668-1916
            Fax #: 419-663-4052

            Email: huroncorecorder@gmail.com

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

            "We do have a book of cemetery plat maps.  I do not know for certain if they are from the WPA era.  Some of them indicate that they were done in 1960.   They are available to view at our office.   You might try contacting our local historian, Henry Timman.”

            Here is his contact information:

Henry Timman
3985 Medusa Rd
Norwalk, OH  44857
(419) 668-1122

            Henry may have access to more information as he maintains a large collection of local history."


Jan Tkach



            None found.



August 19, 2013

Paul R. McKeegan
301 Market Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
Phone#: 740-283-8566
Fax #: 740-283-4007

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30

            “The Recorder's Office has some of the cemeteries.  Yes you can view them, they are in large book form, we are located at 301 Market Street  Steubenville, Ohio 43952.   Our hours are 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m.”

Denise Mirabella



            September 19, 2013
            Knox County Tax Map Office
            117 East High Street
            Mt. Vernon, OH  43050

            Phone #: 740-393-6752

            Below is a direct link to the Knox County Tax Map Office’s online listing of the          WPA Cemetery Plat Maps. 



            Ann M. Radcliffe
            105 Main Street
            Painesville, OH 44077

            Mailing Address:
            P.O. Box 490
            Painesville, Ohio 44077
            Phone: 440-350-2510
            Fax: 440-350-5940

            Email: recorder@lakecountyohio.org

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00

            “The Lake County Recorder’s office has a Lake County Cemetery Location Book in their record room which the public can look through. They are located at 105 Main Street Painesville, Ohio  The Lake County Administration Building.”

Bob Gockel
Lake County Tax Map Dept.
105 Main Street
Painesville, OH 44077
Phone #: 440-350-2501
Fax #: 440-350-5942


            August 24, 2013

            “The recorders office does hold the WPA cemetery plat maps.  They are a big book located in what they call the "archives."   Jeanette Towne many years ago did a re-creation of them in a smaller scale to have at Morley Library. Although still an oversized book, they are much more manageable to copy.”

Inquire at genealogy@morleylibrary.org

Cynthia Turk
Genealogist, Lake County, Ohio


           October 2, 2013

           Sharon Gossett Hager
           111 South 4th Street
           Ironton, OH 45638

           Mailing Address:
           PO Box 77
           Ironton, OH 45638

           Phone #: 740-533-4314 or 740-533-4312
           Fax #: 740-533-4411
           Email: lawcorecorder@gmail.com

           Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00

           “I am pleased to inform you that my office does have WPA Cemetery Maps.  They are in a very large black book that is located in our back record room and are rarely used.   I realized, after talking with you, that was probably what you were inquiring about.  The name WPA just didn't ring a bell with me at the time.  Thanks for refreshing my memory on these maps.”

Sharon Hager,
Lawrence County Recorder


            None found.



Main Logan County Engineer Maproom Page (as of July 1, 2013):

Logan County Title and Index of Cemetery Names for Veterans Graves Registration - WPA :


            October 16, 2013

            Joseph A. Vondruska
            Elyria Public Public Library
            320 Washington Avenue
            Elyria, OH 44035
            Phone #: 440- 322-0461

            Email: jvondruska@elyrialibrary.org

            “I wanted to let you know that I spoke with a man I know from the map department of the Lorain County Auditor's Office. After looking through their computer, he discovered that they had all of the scanned pages from the WPA Map book that we talked about .

            The URL is listed below. You should be about to open all of the PDF and TIF files.”

LINK BELOW for WPA Cemetery Plat Maps for Lorain County:




            October 22, 2013
            Joseph A. Vondruska

            “I have indeed seen them at the Lorain County Recorder's Office. It appears that the large pages were all cut out of the book and each page was put in a plastic sleeve. They are in three large and heavy volumes that are on top of the cases where the recorder's volumes are stored.  If you see them, you will need help to get them down. There is no title page in the books, but these do look like orginal copies of the maps that are in the computer files.

            In addition to these files, the files are also available at the Recorder's Offive on a computer with a very large screen along a side wall toward the back of the office. The computer is easily used and you can pull up a large view of the maps.”

Contact information for the Lorain County Recorder’s Office:

            Lorain County Recorder
            Judith Nedwick
            226 Middle Avenue
            Elyria, OH 44035

            Phone #: 440-329-5140
            Fax #: 440-329-5477
            Email: lcrecorder@loraincounty.com

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:30

            Contact:  Dave Keener – 440-329-5162
            Email address:  loraincountyrecorder@gmail.com

            Contact Dave Keener at the Lorain County Recorder’s Office for more specific information if a hard copy of one or more of the original WPA Cemetery Plat maps is requested to be copied while visting the Recorder’s Office in person.  He said that they are not able to send out by mail a large copy of these maps.  The size of the pages are approximately 2’ x 3’.


            September 23, 2013

            Lucas County Recorders Office
            One Government Center Suite 700
            Toledo, Ohio 43604


            Spoke to Kathy in the scanning department.  She said that they have 8 microfiche of Toledo’s Woodlawn Cemetery. 


            August 26, 2013
            Charles Reed
            1 N Main Street
            Courthouse, Room 40
            London, OH 43140
            Phone: 740-852-1854
            Fax: 740-845-1776
            Email: recorder@co.madison.oh.us

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00
            “We  do hold the WPA cemetery plat maps, in book form.”

Chuck Reed
Madison County Recorder



            None found.



            September 11, 2013

Karen L. Douglas
22 W Center St
Marion, OH 43302
Phone: 740-223-4100
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30p.m.

            I spoke by phone to Karen Douglas, Marion County Recorder on September 11, 2013.  She said that their Recorder’s Office does have the WPA Cemetery Plat Maps in Book form that can be copied at $2.00 per page.   There is no email address for them at this time.



            July 13, 2013

Medina County District Library
210 South Broadway Street
Medina, OH  44256

Main Phone #:  330-725-0588

            "WPA Medina County Cemetery Veterans 4a" -- Title on Microfilm Box

Microfilm box is filed in the same drawer with birth and death records."

Located on the Second Floor at the main Medina County District Library.

Direct Phone #:  330-722-4257 for Reference Desk



            None found.



            August 29, 2013

Angie King
Mercer County Recorder
101 N Main Street
Courthouse Sq, Rm 203
Celina, OH 45822

Phone#: 419-586-4232
Fax #: 419-586-3541

Office Hours: Monday 8:30-5:00
Tuesday - Friday 8:30-4:00

            “Yes, we do have a few cemetery plat maps.” We are open Monday 8:30 – 5 pm; Tuesday – Friday   8:30 – 4pm.

            Yes, we would be happy to make copies.  We charge $2.00 per page per Ohio Revised Code.”

Angie King



            October 3, 2013

            Engineering Department
            2100 N. County Rd. 25A
            Troy, OH  45373
            Phone #: 937- 440-5656
            Fax #: 937- 440-5659

            From the Miami County Recorder’s office: 

            “I spoke with our engineering department and they have these maps in their department.  You can contact them at 937-440-5656.”

Toni (Miami County Recorder)



            September 16, 2013

            Monroe County Historical Society
            Monroe County Senior Center (Records Room)
            118 Home Avenue
            Woodsfield, OH  43793
            “We have some of the WPA Cemetery maps. I am not sure that we have an entire set of Monroe County. We have not reproduced them as of yet, they are too large to scan or copy here, but you would be welcome to come in and look at them.  Let me know when you are coming so that I can dig them out. Are you looking for a particular soldier? I can look at them for you if you are not close enough to visit.         

We are located in the Monroe County Senior Center building in the Records room. 118 Home Ave. Woodsfield OH 43793.  1-740-472-1933.  We house the tax records for Monroe COunty as well as the Society'spaper archives. As I said before, we only have a partial set and do not know where the rest are. Some came from the Court House and some from the Veteran's office in hopes to locate them all in one place.

Our summer hours are in place at this time.  Mon., Tues., Fri. 10:00-2:00. We will begin our fall hours September 23, 2013  Mon., Tues., Fri., 9:00-4:00. Of course we work with folks traveling a distance and try to meet their needs on any given day.”

Joyce Wiggins



            None found.



            September 11, 2013

Peggy Barnes
Morgan County Recorder
155 E Main St Room 160
McConnelsville, OH 43756
            Phone #: 740-962-4051
            Office Hours: Monday  Friday 8:00 to 4:00 (Due to staffing issues this office may be   closed from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch)
“Yes we do have these Cemetery Plats Maps in our office. We don’t however have them scanned so that we can email them to you. You will have to come in and have our map office make copies for you. Hope this helps. If you have any questions please contact us by email or phone.”
Morgan County Recorder

Peggy Barnes



            Not sure.



Muskingum County Engineer's Office (as of July 2, 2013):

The scans of the WPA cemetery book on our website:

Once on the site, the following path will get you to the scans:

Browse Images

(Link below)

This should make it  easier for you to research.

Denis Swierz, P.S.


Also, if you visit in person - Zanesville, Muskingum County:

"They have this book in the map room on the 3rd floor in our court house in Zanesville (401 Main St).  It shows all of the cemeteries that existed in the 1930’s in Muskingum County and the location of all of the veterans graves in each cemetery.
Brett, who works in our map room (740) 455-7195, can help you with any further questions regarding this book or its contents"

Denis Swierz, P.S.
Muskingum County Engineer's Office
155 Rehl Road
Zanesville, Ohio 43701



            Not at Recorder.



            None found.


            October 9, 2013

            Carol E. Temple
            Courthouse, Room 103
            115 N Williams Street
            Paulding, OH 45879
            Phone: 419-399-8275
            Recorder: 419-399-8276
            Fax: 419-399-2862
            Email: pauldingcountyrecorder@midohio.twcbc.com

            Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

            “This office does have some cemetery maps you can view for Paulding County. 

            In addition to the maps, we also have a cemetery listing of graves.”

            Carol Temple



            October 15, 2013

            Engineer's Office
            2645 Old Somerset Road
            New Lexington, OH 43764
            Phone #: 740-342-2191

            “We have a book that shows locations, pictures, and directions for the cemeteries in the county.  There are no plats.  I have some of the cemeteries on my computer that are plats (some with names and locations), however I do not have all of them.  If you are looking for a specific cemetery I may have it.  The book I use is the Perry County Chapter Ohio Genealogical Society.  If we can help at all please let me know.”

Thanks Jerry



            September 27, 2013

            Joyce R. Gifford
            207 S Court Street
            Circleville, OH 43113
            Phone: 740-474-5826
            Fax: 740-477-6361
            Email: jgifford@pickaway.org
            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00

            Pickaway County Recorder’s Office has WPA Cemetry Plat maps.  “Yes, you can come in and view and get copies. Copies are $2.00 a sheet.”



            September 27, 2013

            Misty Brewster
            230 Waverly Plaza Ste 500
            Waverly, OH 45690
            Phone: 740-947-2622
            Fax: 740-947-7997
            Email: misty@pike-co.org
            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:00

            “We do have cemetery plat maps but they’re not scanned so I can’t email them.  Those plat books are 20X20 and it would take several copies to get everything on the page.  However, the Property Map Office could copy them for you but they would be that size.  Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

            The map office is across the hall from our office and we are located at 230 Waverly Plaza, Waverly.  We’re open M-F 8:30-4:00.

            We can take the plat book for you or you’re welcome to do it.  The pages do come out of the book so that will make it easier.”

Misty Brewster
Pike County Recorder



            September 19, 2013

            Bob Renner, Engineering Technician
            5000 Newton Falls Road
            Ravenna, OH 44266
            Phone:  (330) 298-3937
            E-Mail brenner@portageco.com

            “I have 50+ Plats you need to come in and go through them to see if these will help you, Iwill be here to assist you.”



            None found.



            None found.



Where the Richland County WPA Cemetery Maps are kept:

            July 4, 2013:

            Kiefer, Elaine


Our WPA Cemetery Maps are in two places in our county.

            “The first is in theTax Map Office which is the original vellums, and we have also scanned them as .tiff files and are in the county Recorder’s Office, which is a copy of the maps bound in a very large cemetery book.”

Elaine A. Kiefer
Tax Map Supervisor



Ross County Recorder
Attention:  Kathy Dunn
Ross County Courthouse
2 N Paint Street Ste E
PO Box 6162
Chillicothe, OH 45601
Phone: 740-702-3000
Fax: 740-702-3006

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30



July 3, 2013:

Rich Randolph
Sandusky County Engineer's Office
2500 W. State St
Fremont, OH 43420
Phone #: 419-334-9731
Fax #: 419-334-9733

“I have attached a compressed folder with some photos of the plats that we have in our office.  It appears that a project was started and cover sheet shows this, but as you can see from the other files in the folder, the plats show all of the lots blank.  All of the pages are like these.  The only one that had any numbers in it at all, I included in the folder (Oakwood).  I also included an old plat of Oakwood Cemetery which is the only other plat I could find that had Veteran areas identified on it.  Hope this information helps.”


Rich Randolph
Sandusky County Engineer's Office



            September 16, 2013

            Scioto County Recorder
            Gail L. Alley
            602 Seventh Street – Room 110
            Portsmouth, OH  45662

            We do have some of the maps of the cemeteries in Scioto County.  You would have to come into our office and look through them, if we can get the book apart we will run you a copy $1.00 per page.”

Gail Alley



            None found.



            October 3, 2013

            Jodi L. Siegel
            129 E Court Street
            Sidney, OH 45365
            Phone: 937-498-7270
            Email:  JSiegel@shelbycountyrecorders.com

            Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30-4:30, Friday 8:30-12:00

            “We do have these maps in our office.  Our office hours are 8:30-4:30 Mon- Thurs and 8:30-12:00 on Friday.  Unfortunately, we are not able to provide copies. You are welcome to bring along a camera if you plan on visiting our office. I apologize for this inconvenience.”

Jodi Siegel
Shelby County Recorder


            November 13, 2013

            Stark County Engineer
            5165 Southway Street S.W.
            Canton, OH 44706
            Phone (330) 477-6781
            Fax (330) 477-3926

            On November 12, 2013, I called 330-447-6781 to the Stark County Engineer’s Office.  I was transferred to their Tax Map office and spoke with a gentleman there named Paul.  He told me that his office did not have WPA Cemetery Plat Maps, however, he said their office has cemetery plat maps that were drawn much later.  He mailed me a CD of the maps.  They are saved in the .tiff format.  A researcher would have to contact them regarding viewing and/or copying any of the cemetery plat maps that they have.

Thus, I am still looking for the actual WPA Cemetery Plat maps as of this writing. 



            September 30, 2013

            Walter Schostak, P.S.
            Surveyor, Summit County Engineer
            538 E. South Street
            Akron, OH 44311-1843
            Phone #: 330-643-8560

            “The maps that you seek are available here at the Summit County Engineer’s office.

            We have scanned the maps so they are available digitally (in a *.tiff format). You may have copies in a variety of ways:

·         I can send you the images at no charge (sample page attached) via an internet download service

·         I can place the images on a CD/DVD

·         I place the images on an external hard drive or flash drive provided by you

·         Or we can print the maps for you (Note full size copies are $5.00 each, 324 pages = $1620.00)

FYI: The Akron Public Library, Special Collections, has a copy of these maps (paper and digital).

Akron-Summit County Public Library
60 South High Street
Akron, OH 44326

            “We do have paper and digital copies of these cemetery plats. They are not, however, available on our website.  If there is a particular map you are interested in, I would be happy to email the file to you.”



            None found.



            None found.



            October 9, 2013

            Union County Engineer’s Office
            233 West 6th Street
            Marysville, OH  43040-5513
            Phone #:  937-645-3018
            Hours: 7:30a.m. to 5:00p.m.
            The Union County Engineer’s Office informs that they have the WPA Cemetery Plat Maps for Union County, Ohio. 


            October 7, 2013

            Van Wert County Engineer’s Office
            Attention:  Mike Wortman
            220 S. Market Street
            Van Wert, OH  45891
            Phone #:  419-238-2010
            Hours:  7:00a.m. – 3:30p.m.

            “We have the maps you are looking for in our office.”  Large format; approximately 24” x 36” inches in size.  The cemetery plat map sheets are flat and bound, however, they are removable.  A few copies can be made at the office.  Or, someone can take a digital photograph of the map(s) they need.  In the future, the maps may be posted on line in a PDF format, and the hard copies deposited at the veterans’ office.  

            Mike Wortman



            November 15, 2013

            Margaret Knox
            100 E Main St
            McArthur, OH 45651
            Phone: 740-596-4314
            Fax: 740-596-2265
            Email: recorder@vintonco.com

            Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30-4:00, Closed for lunch 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m.

            “The maps you are looking for are in the Recorders office.  If you are going to visit, as you go into the deed book room they are to your right back in the corner.  They are a bunch of cemeteries showing where the veterans are buried and what wars they fought in.”


Warren County Genealogical Society’s “Warren County, Ohio Virtual Cemetery Project”:

            Click on the link above, and scroll down the page.

            After the heading: “Information about Warren County Burials”, scroll down to the listing of individual cemeteries (See table with headings: Cemetery, Township, Coordinates, Location

            Next, click on an individual cemetery name.

            Next, click on “Links” and look for “WPA Plat Map of Cemetery #..

            Please note, not every cemetery listed has a WPA Cemetery Plat Map:



            October 1, 2013

            Tracey C. Wright
            205 Putnam Street
            Marietta, OH 45750
            Phone: 740-373-6623 Ext 235 or 236
            Fax: 740-373-9643
            Email: twright@wcgov.org

            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-5:00

            “I did some research after I sent your email to find out more about WPA maps.  I began working here in 1980 and you are only the 2nd request I can remember.  We do have maps that look like your examples.  It is $2.00 per page for copies of our records and if you would like to request copies, you may do so via e-mail.  I will then email the cost to you and once the payment is received I can mail the copies to you.   We also have excellent resources for history here in Marietta, one being the Historical Society and their phone number is 740-373-1788 and another being the Washington County Public Library.”

Tracey Wright, Recorder



            September 30, 2013

            Jane Carmichael
            428 W Liberty Street
            Wooster, OH 44691  
            Phone: 330-287-5460
            Fax: 330-287-5685
            Email: jane.carmichael@co.wayne.oh.us
            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:30

            Yes, the Wayne County Recorder’s Office has Wayne County WPA Cemetery Plat Maps.  Cost for copies is $2.00 a page.



            September 30, 2013

            Patti Rockey
            One Courthouse Square
            2nd floor
            Bryan, OH 43506
            Phone: 419-636-3259

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30
“I believe I have located the maps.  If you are would like to look at the maps, they are here in the Recorder’s office.”


            Actual WPA Cemetery maps have not been located.   However, the Wood County Engineer has some more recently drawn and platted cemetery maps in their records and files.  See below:

            October 22, 2013

            Office of the Wood County Engineer
            One Courthouse Square
            Bowling Green Ohio 43402

            Direct Phone: 419-354-9068
            Office Phone: 419-354-9060
            Fax: 419-354-1409

            Hours:  8:00a.m. – 4:30p.m.

            Email:  Engineer@co.wood.oh.us

            Sautter, Jesicca

            “I do work with the Wood County Engineer.  We do have cemetery maps.  They are all different depending on each locations records.  I have attached an example.  I have also attached our index of Cemetery records.  Let me know if a specific item on the list seems helpful and I will be happy to send you a copy.

            The researcher is welcome to come into our office and look at any file we have.  Copies are $2.00 per sheet for anything 24 X 36.  If the copy can be made on a regular copy machine (11 X17 or smaller), the copies are $0.05 each.

            We also have the files scanned to our computer system. 

            If you bring in a thumb nail drive we would be happy to copy them to the drive for you free from charge.”

Jesicca Sautter (Wilhelm)
Office Manager



            October 1, 2013

            Sandy Micheli
            109 S Sandusky Avenue
            Room 24
            Upper Sandusky, OH 43351
            Phone: 419-294-1442
            Fax: 419-294-6405
            Email: recorder@co.wyandot.oh.us
            Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30

            The Wyandot County Recorder’s Office has the WPA Cemetery maps both in their large original size format, and in smaller size paper copies.  Individual arrangements must be made to photograph the larger size pages.  The smaller size map pages are more difficult to read.  


Grave Registrations of Soldiers Buried in Ohio.

            Microfilm of grave files; originals housed at the Office of the Ohio Adjutant General, Columbus, Ohio.  Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1958, 92 rolls, beginning with FHL film #182702. 

            These are veterans’ records on individual grave record cards.


Veterans Grave Registration - Works Projects Administration Official Project Nos.  465-42-3-467 & 665-423-232 sponsored by Gilson D. Light Adjutant General co-sponsored by American Legion Dept. of Ohio.

            These are individual cemetery plat maps that also list the names of veterans and note what plots the veterans are buried in at a cemetery. 

            (I have checked with the Ohio Historical Society, the State Library of Ohio, Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland, Bowling Green State University, and Wright State Univeristy.  I was informed that none of the above have a statewide collection of these WPA Cemetery Plat Maps. 
            In some counties, the Recorder's offices hold these WPA Cemetery Plat Maps, but not in all cases, thus necessitating further research with other county government deparments, libraries, genealogical societies and historical societies.)