Exploring Almost Forgotten Gravesites in the Great State of Ohio
Dedicated to cemetery preservation in the great state of Ohio
"A cemetery may be considered as abandoned when all or practically all of the bodies have been Removed therefrom and no bodies have been buried therein for a great many years, and the cemetery has been so long neglected as entirely to lose its identity as such, and is no longer known, recognized and respected by the public as a cemetery. 1953 OAG 2978."
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Sunday, December 29, 2019
FamilySearch has D.A.R. Revolutionary soldiers' graves records online for Cuyahoga, Lorain, and Medina Counties, Ohio
'Revolutionary soldiers' graves : located, verified and marked in Cuyahoga, Lorain and Medina counties, Ohio, by Western Reserve Chapter, N.S.D.A.R., Cleveland, Ohio"
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Sharing from the "Norwalk Reflector" - "Guinea Corner, Old New Haven cemeteries receive first-time signs"
"Guinea Corner, Old New Haven cemeteries receive first-time signs"
Monday, December 23, 2019
Sharing this inspiring story about Larry and Bonnie Knox and the Wayne County Cemetery Preservation Society
Here is a link to the article published by the "Daily Record" of Wooster, Ohio on December 21, 2019 entitled:
"The work the Knoxes of Wooster have done since 2001 to discover, reclaim and restore old gravestones and sites has been in part a scavenger hunt and in part putting together the pieces of a puzzle to preserve the sacred resting places of deceased Wayne County residents. They have dug up bulldozed fields and researched family histories in their quest to literally uncover the past."
The Ohio Genealogical Society offers a link on their website to a PDF file entitled. "Creating a Cemetery Preservation Society in Your County"
by Bonnie & Larry Knox
Thanking Larry and Bonnie Knox and all of the volunteers with the Wayne County Cemetery Preservation Society for their long time preservation work at several of Ohio's cemeteries!
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Spotlighting Captain James M. S. Butcher - Co. "I" of the 30th Regiment of the Indiana Volunteer Infantry - Civil War - Buried at the Butcher Cemetery in North Lewisburg, Ohio
"Captain James M. S. Butcher -
He left more than 'His Mark' behind as his legacy."
Letters written in his own hand
Captain James M. S. Butcher;
"Reel # 942, page 19, Series M653, of the 1860 U.S. Federal Census: the Butcher family is shown residing in North Lewisburg (Lewisburgh).
John M. Butcher's age was 42, and occupation is shown as physician.
Nancy age 35; male, J. M. S., age 22, occupation listed as "teacher of penmanship"; female, M. J. age 20, occupation listed as "school teacher"; female, E. A., age 17; male, J. C., age 15 and Minerva Helms, age 4.

Even though Captain James M. S. Butcher led a short life, dying at age 28, he left a legacy that should not be forgotten.
Per Butcher family bible records, James M. S. Butcher was the son of John Milton Butcher and Mary Ann Johnson Butcher. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Dr. John Milton Butcher was married twice. First, to Mary Ann Johnson who was born on December 15, 1816. They married on December 8, 1836. Mary Ann Johnson Butcher died on February 10, 1842.
On February 23, 1843, Dr. John Milton Butcher married Nancy Brock who was born on September 22, 1823. Nancy Brock Butcher died on August 8, 1898.
James M.S. Butcher was Mustered-In as a 1st Sergeant on September 24, 1861 at Fort Wayne, Indiana for 3 years. During his time fighting in the Civil War, he was promoted several times; finally becoming a Captain.
Captain James M. S. Butcher was wounded
at Murfreesboro or Stone River, Tennessee - December 30 to January 3, 1863
Captain James M. S. Butcher suffered a gun shot wound of his left hand.
January 8, 1863
Captain James M. S. Butcher was wounded at Chickamauga - contusion of the ankle joint.
September 19-20 1863
Above is a fragment of the gravemarker
for Captain James M. S. Butcher
at the Butcher
AKA Walnut Grove Cemetery
in North Lewisburg, Ohio
Above is a fragment of the gravemarker
for Captain James M. S. Butcher
at the Butcher
AKA Walnut Grove Cemetery
in North Lewisburg, Ohio
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Spotlighting Staunton Cemetery in Concord Township, Fayette County, Ohio
"There is one open cemetery within Concord that is located behind the Staunton United Methodist Church. Being an open cemetery means burial plots are available. There are a few closed cemeteries, which means while they are open to the public, the cemeteries are unable to accept new burial plots. The township is responsible for the maintenance of these cemeteries."
Thursday, December 19, 2019
"Remains interred in deteriorating mausoleum in Mount Pleasant to be buried in cemetery" - Jefferson County, Ohio
This story is from the "Herald Star" in Steubenville, Ohio published online on December 18, 2019.
The in-depth research material is well written and clearly presented by staff writer, Mark Law. mlaw@heraldstaronline.com.
Short Excerpt:
"The Jefferson County prosecutor’s office asked the probate court to disinter the remains of 29 people from the mausoleum and rebury them in Highland Cemetery. The body of Christopher Milliken’s great-granduncle, Watson A. Meredith, shown in the picture, who died on April 16, 1927, is located inside the structure."
-- Mark Law
Watson A. Meredith on Find A Grave is shown as being interred at the Mausoleum. That designation will need to be corrected once he is re-interred in the Highland County Cemetery.
This is a must-read article for a variety of reasons. The scope of information appeals to a wide range of folks; and particularly to those who have loved ones buried in old crumbling mausoleums.
I feel 'the system' has failed because it resulted in the mausoleum falling into severe disrepair and being left to remain that way until it had become painfully apparent to the 'powers that be' that the human remains it contained would have to be re-interred out of necessity.
The costs of demolishing the mausoleum, cleaning up the area where it was located, all of the time and effort required to locate descendants of those interred in the mausoleum. Last, but certainly not least, are the financial costs and human toll involved to re-inter the bodies of those 29 lost souls who had no voice in the matter but to be taken from their final resting places - that was once a grand place - to one now that is not of their choosing.
This painfully sad situation has taken a toll on the living and the dead that shouldn't have happened.
A more satisfactory result could and should have happened through earlier assessments conducted for the future of the mausoleum. Taking steps to restore it before it became as dangerously deteriorated as it did.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Northfield-Macedonia Cemetery in Summit County is a memorable cemetery to visit and re-visit!
Before heading out to visit the Northfield-Macedonia Cemetery in Summit County, Ohio (also known as Chestnut Hill Cemetery, Northfield Cemetery, Macedonia Cemetery, or Northfield Cemetery) set aside some time to read.:
the "History of the Northfield-Macedonia Cemetery Compiled by John B. Hudgeon" in 1967 to gain a greater grasp of the cemetery's history and learn about some of the caretakers of its hallowed grounds over the years.
So enjoy the 'online stroll' viewing the photos below; as sort of a mini-trip to the Northfield-Macedonia Cemetery. Then see for yourself in person this history-rich cemetery that stands poised to have a bright future for decades to come.
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