The Old Burying Ground in Greenfield, Highland County, Ohio has been assigned Ohio Historic Inventory (OHI) number HIG0031402 with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office.
The "OHI" form for the Old Burying Ground is included in the Ohio Historic Preservation Office's records.
Below are images of the OHI form pagse including the photographs that are included with the document.
Ongoing restoration work by volunteers at the Greenfield Historical Society and others is shown in some of the pages of photographs.
My Thanks:
Thanking Scott Andersen of the Greenfield Historical Society for his help with obtaining some of the photographs of the Old Burying Ground including the stone wall and providing its measurements.
My Thanks:
Thanking Scott Andersen of the Greenfield Historical Society for his help with obtaining some of the photographs of the Old Burying Ground including the stone wall and providing its measurements.
Thanking Ron Coffey, City Manager of Greenfield for help with answering ownership questions about the Old Burying Ground.
The Ohio History Connection's Preservation Office provides information on how to obtain and complete the Ohio Historic Inventory Form. Please see links below:
Ohio History Connection Preservation Office Contact Information for the Ohio History Inventory Form:
Inventory & Registration
Barbara A. Powers, Department Head
Brent A. Eberhard, Archaeology Survey and Data Manager
Ross Nelson, Survey and National Register Manager
Megan Rupnik, Survey and National Register Manager
Carrie E. Simmons, Technical Assistant
Susan Tietz, Survey and National Register Manager
Administers the National Register of Historic Places program in Ohio, and manages the Ohio Historic Inventory, and Ohio Archaeological Inventory.
My contact:
Susan Tietz: - 614-298-2000