Sharing from Steph Roland (of the Highland County, Ohio Veterans Service Office):
29 June 2016
"An upcoming cemetery preservation one day hands-on workshop being instructed by Mr. Mark Morton, Gravestone Guardians of Ohio.
***The class is limited to the first 20 participants that call (or TEXT) to register:
*****Contact Phone #:
*****Contact Phone #:
This class is open to the public and though there is a “Suggested Donation” of $20.00 per person, no one will be turned away if they cannot make that donation amount. There are several sponsors that are greatly helping to make this project happen, and any donations received during on-site check in will help defray the cost of the class to be presented, materials the host is responsible for providing, as well as drinking water for all participants throughout the day.
Many thanks to the current event sponsors: Hillsboro Eagle Riders, Aerie #1161, Peggy Carter, Bill & Marjorie Pike, Barbara Vergamini & Letcher Langston for their help in making this project happen!!"