From the Greenfield Historical Society where you can check out more photographs taken during the June 9, 2018 work session - and a more dedicated group of hard working volunteers you won't find anywhere as they work their way through the Old Burying Ground cleaning, repairing, and re-setting the town's earliest gravemarkers and monuments - during this their 5th year of restoring the "OBG"!
TUESDAY - JUNE 26, 2018
"Please join other volunteers as we continue to make improvements to the Old Burial Ground. We'll start at 7:30 a.m. and work as long as we have the energy. Come help and stay as long as you can."
"Volunteer Session - June 9, 2018"
"We got an early start this Saturday in an effort to avoid most of the heat and any pop-up showers. That was a good idea since by 11 or so it was getting hot and our energy levels were diminishing.
We had a great morning!
We were able to realign more stones, repair some broken stones, clean some stones, and were excited when we uncovered a Gibson Post 180 GAR war marker!
Joining in were Scott Andersen, Venus Andersen, John King, Jackie Doles, Mike Anderson, Gloria Losey, and Diana Zimmerman.
The grounds looked especially nice as the mowing and trimming had been done extremely well by village workers. Our thanks to City Manager Todd Wilkin and the workers for making that big difference!
Many thanks to ALL the volunteers who help throughout the years making this a very successful project."
(Photo Above - Photo courtesy of Scott Andersen):
From Left to Right:
John King, Jackie Doles and Michael Lee Anderson
All Photos below courtesy of Michael Lee Anderson
All Photos below courtesy of Michael Lee Anderson