Exploring Almost Forgotten Gravesites in the Great State of Ohio

Dedicated to cemetery preservation in the great state of Ohio

"A cemetery may be considered as abandoned when all or practically all of the bodies have been Removed therefrom and no bodies have been buried therein for a great many years, and the cemetery has been so long neglected as entirely to lose its identity as such, and is no longer known, recognized and respected by the public as a cemetery. 1953 OAG 2978."

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Old Burying Ground in Greenfield volunteer work session coming up! - Reminder: Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - beginning at 8:30a.m.

If you missed joining the volunteers at the Old Burying Ground for the work session of September 30, 2018, this is a reminder that another one is scheduled for Wednesday, October 3rd starting at 8:30a.m. 
Always check the calendar on the Greenfield Historical Society's website for upcoming events which include the "OBG" - Old Burying Ground work sessions!

To keep up to date with the latest progress made by the all-volunteer group who has been working for five years to restore the Old Burying Ground in Greenfield just click on the Past Events Section on the "A Look Back" tab found on the Greenfield Historical Society's website.  

Next, take note of the "Tombstone Repair" and the dates of each of their work sessions thus far.  
Click on each of them to see the photographs and a recap of the type of work conducted during each of the work sessions.  

The Greenfield Historical Society volunteers are a well organized group of caring people who are well trained with cleaning, repairing, and resetting grave markers from the smallest to the largest; including the more difficult ones like the "Box Tombs" shown below.  

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Spotlighting the Brecksville Cemetery and Tour of September 23, 2018

 The 2018 Brecksville Cemetery Tour was packed with people seeking to learn about the "Headstones, Heroes, History, and Horticulture" - which was also the title of the event, where all were abundantly found at the Brecksville Cemetery on Highland Drive.   
I'm sure the attendees were not disappointed - I know I wasn't!  Our tour guides were well prepared to cover all of those topics and answer our questions. 
The event, which was the third cemetery tour held by the Brecksville Historical Association, was well organized. 
The guides at the Brecksville Cemetery, which admittedly has a hilly uneven terrain dotted with towering mature trees and walnuts covering much of the grounds and driveways, took us through new and older sections alike moving row by row. 
If you missed it, you do have the opportunity to visit the Brecksville Historical Society's website and view the tour booklet that was distributed during the tour. 
Below are a few photographs taken by Linda Jean Limes Ellis during the 2018 tour of the Brecksville Cemetery. 


Monday, September 24, 2018


Here are reminders about two upcoming work sessions that are scheduled for the Old Burying Ground in Greenfield.  
If you are serious-minded about cemetery preservation and restoration in Ohio, please join the volunteers from the Greenfield Historical society who are working so hard to clean, repair, or reset gravestones and monuments at Greenfield's historic Old Burying Ground. 

The Old Burying Ground Restoration Project is in its 5th year, and the progress made is certainly evident!  
In my estimation, this is the longest ongoing full cemetery restoration project in the Great State of Ohio!  

Friday, September 21, 2018

Spotlighting a story about the Beech Grove Cemetery in Springfield Township, Hamilton County, Ohio

Sharing this news article entitled:

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Garfield Heights (Cleveland, Cuyahoga County) Ohio is Celebrating 125 Years!

The Cleveland (Garfield Heights) Calvary Catholic Cemetery, in the Catholic Diocese Association, is celebrating 125 years; and events have been happening to spotlight the milestone -- with Family Day coming up Saturday, September 23rd.

"2018 marks the 125th Anniversary of Calvary Cemetery in Cleveland. 
To celebrate this historic anniversary as well as to bring families back to Calvary, the CCA will be hosting a variety of events throughout the summer and fall months.
 These events include:
Self-guided walking tours will also be available June 1st - November 3rd, 2018. 
Please visit the Calvary Cemetery office for further details and to pick up your free guide!"
"Family Day"
"Join us for Family Day on September 23rd at Calvary Cemetery in Cleveland. Enjoy a day filled with fun and faith-filled activities, aimed to bring you and your family closer to each other, your loved ones, and the greater Catholic community. Family Day will include…

  • Free light refreshments;
  • Self-guided cemetery tours;
  • Portrayals of interesting interments;
  • Kids activities;
  • Genealogy Assistance;
  • and more!
Check back here often and follow our Facebook page for updates."
Here is a link to the page devoted to the activities:


Brecksville (Cuyahoga County) Ohio - Brecksville Cemetery Tour - Sunday - September 23, 2018 beginning at 1:00pm.

Sharing from the Strongsville Community Blog on "Cleveland.com"

BRECKSVILLE, Ohio -- "Experience local history and more at a historic walk through Brecksville-Highland Drive Cemetery. 
With Halloween just around the corner, it is the perfect time to take an autumn stroll through a cemetery.
Sponsored by the Brecksville Historical Association and the Brecksville Center for the Arts (BCA), the guided tour will take place at 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23. 
It will focus on the "Four H's": Headstones, History, Heroes and Horticulture. All four will be weaved together for a unique fall tour.
Every participant will receive a tour booklet containing historical facts about each  stop. 
There will also be a painted-rock scavenger hunt.
Refreshments will be served at the BCA building across the street from the cemetery after the walk.
If the weather does not cooperate, a presentation about the cemetery walk will be given at the BCA building.
Brecksville-Highland Drive Cemetery is located just south of Ohio 82 on Highland Drive. For more information, go to brecksvillehistoricalassociation.org."

Also known as Brecksville Highland Drive CemeteryCenter CemeteryHighland CemeteryHighland Drive Cemetery
9012 Highland Drive
Brecksville, Cuyahoga CountyOhio44141 USA  
MEMORIALS3,099 added (82% photographed)

Link to Cemetery Map:


Greenfield Historical Society's September 14, 2018 work session went exceedingly well!

Sharing this link to the Greenfield Historical Society's latest recap of the work session held on September 14, 2018.:

Lots and lots of work done and it continues!
"It was a foggy start, but by mid morning the sun came out and the temperature rose. We spent about 4 hours repairing some stones, cleaning stones, and attempting to remove some broken headstone pieces that had been concreted into their slab bases. Joining in were Scott Andersen, Venus Andersen, John King, Mike Anderson, and Jackie Doles. Teena Thorton was also at Travellers Rest working on the flower beds."

Thursday, September 13, 2018

"Tombstones repair continues" -- From the "Morrow County Sentinel" -- Updated Report about Tim Foor's Restoration of the Pagetown Cemetery

"PAGETOWN — What a difference several weeks of hard work can make."
"The landscape of the dilapidated, historic Pagetown Cemetery has taken on a new look, thanks to the efforts of Tim Foor. Broken tombstones have been repaired and reset along County Road 26, south of Marengo.
Weather has been a challenge, with several days of heavy rain halting work this month.
“The rain slowed us down. You can’t risk it as holes were filled with water, but they drained. When it drops below 50 degrees you can’t do the repairs,” he said.
When it gets colder than that the epoxy won’t set.
Bennington Township trustees hired Foor in early August to help repair the stones, damaged by nearly two centuries of weathering. Lichen build-up, cracks in the stones and bases were evident. Most are sandstone, others are marble.
Foor estimated there could be as many as 230 graves buried in the rectangular lot. The first burial was in 1821 and the last burial was in 1876.
As of Sept. 13, he’s repaired about 30 of them.
“The marble sits around and it starts to crumble,” Foor said as he carefully placed pieces together that he’s found on the site.
“You have to scrape it. Glue things together. I try really hard not to mess up the letters,” he said.
Foor has about 10 stones to finish.
In the corner of the field sits a large pile of rocks that he’s uncovered and he’s certain are not part of any tombstones.
The first row is composed primarily of Wilson family members. Foor tried to make out the intricate letters on one of the stones.
“It’s all busted up. You can’t read it any more.”
A transcription list from the Morrow County Genealogical Society also aided him in starting the project.
“I was able to follow the path they took through the cemetery with the list.”
Up until 1848, this area was part of Delaware County. So Foor got records from the auditor’s office there to help fill in the gaps.
Working on the Marcus Page family obelisk is tenuous.
“It’s pretty level, but it’s twisted a bit,” he said. “Cleaning that up is an all-day project.”
Finding as many pieces to the smaller grave stones involves a bit of detective work.
“I’m putting pieces together trying to see what matches.”
He is intrigued by the Kenedy family buried at Pagetown. Rachel was buried in 1828. Her brother George has no death date and there is a Norton there also.
“The initials N.K. are on his foot stone,” Foor said. “A lot of the graves here have foot stones, and those can be a little hint.”
The engraving of A.M.W. matches the head stone of Abby Mary Wilson, who, according to the epitaph, was in her “34th year of being” when she passed away.
His efforts have attracted attention from Columbus media outlets and cemetery preservation groups on social media.
“My goal has been to just preserve it and do as little harm as possible,” Foor said. “I just want to make it look nice again.”"