This news story was published online Thursday, July 11, 2020 by the
"Morning Journal"
Written by
Staff Writer, Tom Giambroni
Seeking volunteers to assist with the maintenance duties at the Lisbon Cemetery in Columbiana County.
Barry James announced at this week’s village council meeting they are asking anyone with a weedwacker to show up at the cemetery from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday to help clean up around the tombstones.
James said they have received more complaints this year about the cemetery’s appearance. “It’s not up to the standard we set for ourselves,” he told council. James said the cemetery board is also willing to schedule volunteer weedwackers to help anytime during the week. To schedule a time, call 330-424-7970.
1 Elm Street
Lisbon, OH 44432
Phone (330) 424-7970
Since 1876, the Lisbon Cemetery has been overseen, maintained, and operated by a three-person Board of Trustees, appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Village Council. Under this leadership, the cemetery has grown to over forty acres, and many consider it the most beautiful cemetery in Columbiana County. Day to day maintenance is the responsibility of one full-time maintenance supervisor along with a part-time clerk.
The Lisbon Cemetery office is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.