Exploring Almost Forgotten Gravesites in the Great State of Ohio

Dedicated to cemetery preservation in the great state of Ohio

"A cemetery may be considered as abandoned when all or practically all of the bodies have been Removed therefrom and no bodies have been buried therein for a great many years, and the cemetery has been so long neglected as entirely to lose its identity as such, and is no longer known, recognized and respected by the public as a cemetery. 1953 OAG 2978."

Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Friends of the "OBG" - Old Burying Ground - Greenfield, Highland County - Shared photos of another successful work session (from May 11, 2022)! -- May 18, 2022 is the next scheduled work session

The Friends of the OBG - Old Burying Ground in Greenfield, Highland County shared photographs and news of yet another successful work session at Greenfield's earliest cemetery on May 11, 2022. 

Congratulations to John King, Scott & Venus Andersen, Michael Lee Anderson, and Jackie Doles for their work at not only this work session, but at almost all of the previous sessions at the Old Burying Ground.  

Here is the Old Burying Ground in Greenfield on "Find a Grave."