Exploring Almost Forgotten Gravesites in the Great State of Ohio

Dedicated to cemetery preservation in the great state of Ohio

"A cemetery may be considered as abandoned when all or practically all of the bodies have been Removed therefrom and no bodies have been buried therein for a great many years, and the cemetery has been so long neglected as entirely to lose its identity as such, and is no longer known, recognized and respected by the public as a cemetery. 1953 OAG 2978."

Friday, March 7, 2025

Catholic Cemeteries Association - Cleveland Catholic Diocese announcing changes to their website "Burial Search" beginning March 10, 2025

"New Burial Search coming for the website of the Catholic Cemeteries Association - Cleveland Catholic Diocese.":
"We are excited to announce an important update that will enhance your experience with us. On March 10, 2025, we will be updating our burial search feature to the new Cemmansys system. You can find it under the "Burial Search" tab on our website at clecem.org."

"Existing accounts will not transfer to the new system. You will need to create a new account by clicking "Sign Up."


Provide the following information to sign up:

First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone Number
Accept Terms and Conditions

If you encounter any difficulties, 

need help setting up your new account, 

or have any questions, 

please contact Joe Prochaska

 at jprochaska@clecem.org or 

(330) 594-3728.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Sharing from the Ohio Township Association - "Indigent Burial Fund Now Open"


"The State of Ohio Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors is pleased to announce the restoration of its Indigent Burial and Cremation Support Program. Thanks to the passage of Amended Substitute House Bill 315 by the 135th Ohio General Assembly, and later signed into law by Governor Mike DeWine, funding was granted to the Board for its program for the remainder of state fiscal year 2025. 

Starting February 3, 2025, the OBEFD will accept applications for reimbursement from local government entities for the cost of providing burials or cremations to indigent deceased individuals. According to the OBEFD's rule, 4717-17-05 of the Ohio Administrative Code, regarding reimbursement application period, in part, an application shall be submitted no later than sixty days after the date of issuance of the burial transit permit or disposition permit. The Board will accept applications for reimbursement that include a burial transit permit or disposition permit issued on or after November 3, 2024, through the end of the fiscal year or June 30, 2025.

Inquiries about the Indigent Burial and Cremation Support Program may be directed to 


Click here to learn more and apply."


Friday, February 28, 2025

The Ashtabula County W.P.A. Cemetery Plat Maps have been added to the right sidebar of the blog.

A link to the WPA Cemetery Plat Maps for Ashtabula County has been added to the right sidebar of the blog.  

Along with the customary Cemetery Index Page, there is a Cemetery Locator Map, and a handy listing of cemeteries shown under the township name where they are located.  

These cemetery plat maps are posted in addition to the Ashtabula County G.I.S. website where the cemetery plat maps are further linked to the exact GPS locations on a current road map.

Ashtabula County is Ohio's largest county that is comprised of 28 townships.

Buried in Section F at the East Lenox Cemetery in Lenox Township is American Revolutionary War veteran Isaac Williams whose Find a Grave memorial contains an amazing amount of family history!  He died at the age of 90. 

Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Monument on Find a Grave  

The small Pioneer Cemetery in Windsor Township has a total of 25 memorials on Find a Grave.  The cemetery contains burials of four American Revolutionary War veterans. The W.P.A. Cemetery Plat Map lists their names; and they are the only veterans listed for this cemetery.:

Solomon Griswold

    Capt. Jonathan Parker

Steven Winslow

Giles Loomis 


The Evergreen Cemetery in Pierpont Township is the final resting place for Seth A. Marvin who was approximately 103 years old when he passed away. His biography states that he cast his first vote for General George Washington for America's first President.  He lived long enough to vote for Abraham Lincoln for President.  

It is worth a visit to Ashtabula County's cemeteries - both large and small -- where you will find a unique history that abounds within the grounds of them all! 

Spotlighting the Worthington Cemetery in Defiance County, Ohio and learning more about its history, present research about it, and plans for its future.

 Sharing a link to:
"The Friends of the Worthington Cemetery"


WTVG - TV Toledo.:
"‘I love a good mystery’ Librarian helps uncover history of only Black cemetery in Defiance County"

From Ideastream Public Media:

"long-forgotten Black cemetery in northwest Ohio is finally getting recognized The Ohio Newsroom | By Kendall Crawford"

From the Defiance Public Library - by Sara Marshall
Part VI - "The Worthington Cemetery Project"
From the Defiance Public Library - by Sara Marshall
Access to: 
Parts I through X

Sharing from the Defiance Public Library
"Alexandra Bevins wins award for Worthington Article" - By Taryn Lawson

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sharing "The Springfield News-Sun" announcement by Brooke Spurlock - Sunday, February 23, 2025 - Ferncliff Cemetery and Arboretum in Springfield is a recipient of the "Scenic Ohio" award for 2025."

Sunday, February 23, 2025.:

The Springfield News-Sun newspaper announced the recipients of the "Scenic Ohio" awards for Ohio cemeteries for 2025. 

Among the recipients is the Ferncliff Cemetery and Arboretum in Springfield - Clark County, Ohio.

The following cemeteries were also recipients of this important award.:

Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland.
Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum in Cincinnati.

Mt. Tabor Cemetery, Mingo in Wayne Township, Champaign County.
Old Burying Ground in Greenfield, Highland County, Ohio.
Quoting from this story.:

"Scenic Ohio is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the state’s beautiful and historically significant landscapes.
They chose “Beautiful, Scenic, Historic Cemeteries” as its theme for 2025." 

"The organization will host an awards luncheon April 4 at The Historic Buckingham Meeting House in Newark to recognize this year’s recipients."
Thanking Krista Horricks of the Ohio History Connection for alerting me to the Scenic Ohio Award program. 

 Additionally, thanking Mr. Gary Meisner for so kindly sharing details about the "Scenic Ohio" program, and the important work this organization does to bring a greater awareness to the scenic beauty found at Ohio's cemeteries.  It is easy to see that each one is unique and should be recognized for its important role preserving the stories that shape Ohio's history.

Ferncliff Cemetery on Find a Grave.


Monday, February 17, 2025

Sharing the latest status report from Christina Yetzer Drain regarding the deteriorating state of the Historic Community Mausoleum at the Oakland Cemetery in Shelby, Richland County, Ohio.

Click on the link below:
 View of an early colorized image of the Oakland Cemetery Mausoleum courtesy of the Columbus Metropolitan

Sharing this important updated status report regarding the Community Mausoleum containing 240 crypts located at the Oakland Cemetery in Shelby, Richland County, Ohio.  

Truly, time is of the essence because the mausoleum's condition has been deteriorating at a rapid pace.  It is a grim report indeed to be sharing while deliberations continue about adopting the most effective coarse of action to undertake to better restore and preserve this one-of-a-kind structure to ensure a brighter future for it. 
Please read the information provided in the attached links to gain a greater grasp of the severity of the situation. The pictures help tell the story of how serious the immediate need is to act as soon as possible to save this structure and thus the final resting places for those who are interred in it. 

"Mausoleum at Shelby's Oakland Cemetery in Need of Restoration" by Hayden Gray


"SHELBY — Christina Yetzer Drain said the community mausoleum at Shelby’s Oakland Cemetery is likely the city’s most important landmark."

"Constructed in 1907, it’s the second oldest community mausoleum in the state, according to Friends of Oakland Mausoleum."
"Drain, a Shelby historian, has been talking with the Oakland Cemetery Board to figure out how to best proceed with restoration work. The board includes John Ensman, Steven McLaughlin, Brian Crum, John Hancock, Scott Shatzer, Julie Alt and Kevin Ernst."
Friends of Oakland Mausoleum on Facebook
Shelby-Oakland Cemetery on Find a Grave
Shelby Ohio History By ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Fayette County Genealogical Society - Chapter of O.G.S. - Presents - Mr. Paul LaRue, Educator and Historian - "The Feeble Minded Institute Cemetery: One of Ohio's Most Unique Cemeteries" - Monday, March 17, 2025 - 7:00p.m. - 101 E. East Street, Washington Court House, Ohio - Evelyn Pentzer Meeting Room

Sharing from: 

The Fayette County Genealogical Society - Chapter of O.G.S. : 


Mr. Paul LaRue, Educator and Historian 

"The Feeble Minded Institute Cemetery: One of Ohio's Most Unique Cemeteries"
Monday, March 17, 2025 - 7:00p.m.
101 E. East Street, Washington Court House, Ohio - Evelyn Pentzer Meeting Room

***This event is free and open to the Public***

Additional biographical links for Mr. Paul LaRue:

Monday, February 10, 2025

Sharing news of the 2025 "Scenic Ohio" Award Recipients for Ohio's Scenic and Historic Cemeteries & Spotlighting the Old Burying Ground in Greenfield, one of the seven cemeteries chosen for this award.

"Preservation Project"
Old Burying Ground
Greenfield, Ohio




"Since 2014, the Old Burying Ground (OBG) in Greenfield, Ohio, 

has been undergoing work by a group of dedicated volunteers.

Throughout each year, work sessions have been held by key volunteers. 

This email is our way of sharing the progress 
informing you of any upcoming work sessions,
and offering information about this historic cemetery. 

We encourage your continued support in this
effort and your sharing of this information
with your friends.

"2024 marked the completion of our mapping
of the cemetery. 
By working in 50'x50' sections
we identified the burials in each section, 
took pictures of the gravestones and
A map was also created showing
the individual sections that we created.

When the spring weather finally arrives this
year we will survey the cemetery to see if there
has been any winter damage to any gravestones
and determine what our work plan should
be for the year. 

We would also like to schedule a time
 when volunteers can help in cleaning
gravestones. This is not a difficult process, 
but we do need to know if you want to help
so we can provide enough items to perform
the cleaning. 
If interested, please email:
and we will put your name on the list
and let you know when we
can schedule that session. Thanks!
This month we received exciting news
that our efforts to preserve the
Old Burying Ground will be
recognized by Scenic Ohio as 
one of the recipients of this year's
***Scenic Ohio Award.***

"Scenic Ohio's awards program recognizes
 the work of organizations, agencies, and
 individuals that conserve, restore, 
maintain and manage Ohio's scenic places.  
Our Historic Cemeteries are treasures
 to be honored as true 
"Gardens for the Living".
The restoration work at
Old Burying Ground Cemetery
is exemplary and an important example
of what many historic cemeteries need.
The work of restoration, preservation
and maintenance of historic cemeteries
is work of the highest order and
to be encouraged throughout Ohio." 
The Old Burying Ground
will be recognized at an event in April
with six other cemeteries in Ohio:

  7.  StratfordCemetery, Delaware County


DATE:                    April 4
LOCATION:          Newark, Ohio
The Historic Buckingham Meeting House  
 5 North 6th Street
  Newark, Ohio  43055

TIME:              11:30 am - 1:30 pm
KEYNOTE:  Krista Horrocks, 
                       Ohio History Connection
BOOK SIGNING: 11:30 - Noon
                                 and 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm,
                                 Ian Adams, photographer
"This Place of Silence" 
Ohio's Cemeteries and Burial Grounds"

The Octagon 
World Heritage Site
 Newark,  Jeff Gill
Thank you all for being supporters
and volunteers to help make this happen!

Throughout each year, work sessions have been
held by key volunteers. 
We encourage your continued support in this
effort and your sharing of this information
with your friends."

Thank you for caring!

(Above photo by Jackie Doles
 September 30, 2018)

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Spotlighting the Fayette County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society and its publications - tombstone inscriptions - Interment Records, and the 1924 Cemetery Plat Book.

The Fayette County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society is not a large chapter in membership, however, what it lacks in numbers it more than makes up in participation by its chapter leaders, members of First Families of Fayette County, new chapter members, and others.  
There is always plenty of content in their newsletters that helps researchers to stay abreast of the current news of the chapter.  New ancestral stories and records are regularly published that keep members engaged.   
The Books for Sale page offers a significant selection of publications to choose from; including those regarding the following:  
Tombstone Inscriptions, Interment Records, and the 1924 Fayette County Cemetery Plat Book by Peggy Gilmore. Below is a sampling from the Winter 2024 "Fayette Connection" newsletter including their membership form.: 





Monday, January 20, 2025

Per the Ohio History Connection - the original OH-I Form continues to be approved to use, including for cemeteries.

Prefacing that an Ohio Historic Inventory Form (OH-I Form) can, at this point, continue to be used and submitted for Inactive Cemeteries as well as for Active cemeteries. 
It is important to note this form offers a layer of identity and public recognition for a cemetery being documented and placed on record with the Ohio History Connection that it would not otherwise receive.
  Inactive Cemeteries, as well as small family burial grounds, are excluded from being recognized and as well regarded as their Active cemetery counterparts.  Citing these examples: being left out of the process where someone can submit complaints about a cemetery's lack of proper care to the Ohio Cemetery Dispute Resolution Commission that steps in and works to resolve such problems.  
In addition, Inactive and small family cemeteries are not afforded the designation of being Registered with the state of Ohio.
Cemetery Registration is a key element for a cemetery to have. That is where sadly discrimination exists that further disadvantages these cemeteries that truly are the most vulnerable.  
Thus, the OH-I form after its completion, review, and acceptance, is assigned its official number and included in the database of the Ohio History Connection.   
Per Petra C. Knapp, Survey & National Register Manager with the State Historic Preservation Office, that it would be acceptable to use the original "OH-I Form" (Ohio Historic Inventory Form) for a cemetery.  
It is advisable to check with Petra to be sure that an OH-I Form has not already been completed, and an official OH-I number assigned for the cemetery you are considering to complete and submit the form for it. 
It is advisable to check with Petra to be sure that an OH-I Form has not already been completed, and an official OH-I number assigned for the cemetery you are considering to complete and submit the form for it. 
Please see below an example of a completed OH-I form.  
Also, is an image of the two-page form that exists as a .PDF fillable blank form that I am unable to share here in that particular format.
Contact Petra C. Knapp for questions.

Petra C. Knapp| 

Survey & National Register Manager

State Historic Preservation Office, Ohio History Connection

800 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43211

p. 614-298-2000 |




Convert Latitude and Longitude to "UTM" 

Link to The original .PDF OH-I Form 


Friday, January 17, 2025

Atlas Preservation Announcement: The 48 State Tour 2025 - Planning & Updated Host Requirements Video.:


Looking forward to learning what Ohio cemetery will be chosen for the 2025 state-by-state tour that has become more popular every year!